Deena Bashan: I inherited this place from my parents. The Davids loved across the hall. I was older than Ziva but I looked up to her. Even then she was a force: determined, inquisitive, stubborn as a mule.
Tony: Sounds about right.

We called them our "wills". Our teacher said that if we buried our wishes in the ground, and thought about them every night, they would become truth.

Deena Bashan

McGee: "I will be a ballerina". I don't get it. This is Ziva. Shouldn't it say ninja or something?
Tony: Apparently there was a pre-ferocious phase.

Tony: it's pretty impressive. Mossad has eyes all over the city.
Director Elbaz: All over the world, Agent DiNozzo. It's our job to see.

Deena Bashan: Why should she have the man that she loves when she took mine from me?
Tony: I'm going to find her.
Deena Bashan: Ziva is gone Agent DiNozzo. When she left me that night she was not the same person.

Ziva: Why are you here?
Tony: Because you invited me.
Ziva: That was before.
Tony: Before what?
Ziva: You should not have come.

Ziva: Tony. You are so...
Tony: Handsome? Funny? What?
Ziva: Loved.

Ziva: I'm sorry if I hurt you in all of this. It was never intended. Tony, I care too much about our...friendship. I do not want it to be awkward between us.
Tony: Hey. [Kisses her forehead.] Nothing's awkward between friends.

Tony: Well hey there Speedy Gonzales huh? You almost killed Marlon from accounting.
Ziva: I'm sorry Tony. I'm still getting used to how this thing drives.
Tony: The world is still getting used to how you drive.

Ziva: I'm sorry Tony. I know you wanted the car but I just didn't think it was a good idea to sell it to you.
Tony: Why not?
Ziva: Because I really liked my Mini.
Tony: Me too!
Ziva: And I didn't want anything to happen to it.
Tony: What are you saying?
McGee: She's saying you're a car killer.
Tony: What?
Ziva: A car killer.
Gibbs: Everybody needs a hobby.

McGee: If he's taken a photo and emailed it to anybody I can use the GPS coordinates from the exif data--
Tony: You do realize that if you keep telling us how you do your job then we're not going to need you anymore?

Parsons: After spending a few hours in a car with him I can say that Agent DiNozzo is a capable investigator..
Ziva: More than capable. Unfortunately he can also be quite a child.
Tony: This was a mistake.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?