Abed's Dad: Dreams are for sleeping
Britta: You don't know that
Abed's Dad: It's clinically proven

I may not eat meat, but I'm not gonna eat that injustice.

Britta: I read an article that said some women can actually achieve or--
Shirley: No no, thank you for the conversation. I know what you're talking about and even if it were true that's not something a woman does on her child's head.

Jeff: What am I not good at?
Britta: Sex.

Britta: You're just doing all this because you want to have sex with me, you don't even want to be my friend
Jeff: Wait a minute. Is that what you thought I meant? Britta, look at me
Britta: I am
Jeff: No, look how handsome my face is. If all I wanted was sex, I could get it from plenty of women without having to go through all this crap. I'm here because I like you and I'd be psyched to be your friend. I just didn't want to take sex off the table without doing my due diligence

Women of Greendale! This cafeteria is hereby declared a bitch-free zone!

Britta: I'm turned on by how logical you are.
Abed: I'm comforted by your shiny hair and facial symmetry.

Britta: What can i do?
Annie: You can hang the Chacata Panecos piniata
Britta: You guys realize he was beaten to death, right?
Shirley: That's where we got the idea from
Annie: Poignant

Jeff: What's that complex called when you're wrong about everything?
Britta: Ah sarcasm, from the man with the mother of all daddy issues.

Britta: So Oedipal.
Priest [to Britta]: You're the worst.

Pierce: Britta, you're the selfless one in the group, right?
Britta: Wouldn't know, haven't thought about myself in years.

Maybe you're one of those rare people with nothing underneath the surface. Maybe, if you put stain remover on a turd, you don't get a diamond. You just get a turd, with less direction in life

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
