Britta: So Oedipal.
Priest [to Britta]: You're the worst.

Women of Greendale! This cafeteria is hereby declared a bitch-free zone!

It was almost like being on ecstasy, only that instead of having pointless conversations and dancing like idiots...wait, it was exactly like being on ecstasy!

Britta: I'm turned on by how logical you are.
Abed: I'm comforted by your shiny hair and facial symmetry.

Pierce: Britta, you're the selfless one in the group, right?
Britta: Wouldn't know, haven't thought about myself in years.

Jeff: What's that complex called when you're wrong about everything?
Britta: Ah sarcasm, from the man with the mother of all daddy issues.

I refused to give Santa a Christmas List because I didn't want to depend on a man for anything.

Britta: Why don't you sell him a pill that'll make him give up on his dreams?
Annie: Relaxarex doesn't make you give up on your dreams! That's a side effect!

Britta: Someone's mom gave them way too much praise.
Jeff: Man, so did someone's psych teacher.

Jeff: Annie, relax.
Britta: No you relax Jeff! Or are you afraid that if you do, my pen will fall out?!

Jeff: So I guess the cell phone number you put on the study group contact sheet was fake, which I just learned in the awkward conclusion of a month long text message affair with a dude from boulder
Britta: Sorry
Jeff: That's okay, just give me your real number and I'll cleanse my pallet while Kevin rethinks his marriage

Britta: Then you move to Vermont...
Troy: I'm sick of you saying that fighting is gay.
Abed: You know she has a point, in boxing you fight with a purse and a belt.

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
