Brooke: I want to have a baby.
Peyton: With me?
Brooke: No. I've spent four years working these endless hours to fill this void that all the success in the world is never gonna fill and I realized that what I actually want is to have a family.

[to the adoption agency woman] Do you know what my mother said to me when I told her I wanted to start a company? She said "your chances are one in a million" and I said "Maybe I'm that one" and she said "you're not.". And she was wrong. And whatever she thought she saw in me was wrong... Because I am one in a million and there is a child out there who has something so special inside of them but whose life is miserable because they think that nobody wants them. And I could be a great mother to that child, no matter their age or race or sex. I could help them find what makes them special. And if you can't see that, then you're wrong, just like my mother. Why don't you go ahead and write that down?

Peyton: Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.
Lucas: Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from, the next smile. The next wish come true.
Peyton: But if you believe that it is right around the corner. And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it. To the certainty of it.
Brooke: You just might get the thing you're wishing for.
Nathan: The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it?
Haley: Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart.

Lucas: Lindsey. She's the first thing I think about everyday. How is she? Does she miss me like I miss her? How do I get her back? And then another day without her begins.
Peyton: Lucas.
Jamie: Chester.
Brooke: Brooke. OMG, I have to pee!
Skills: What day is it? What time is it? What the hell did I drink last night?
Mouth: Hm, Millicent, you smell so good. I have to go to work. Sure I guess I could be a little late. What do you mean I'm fired. I wasn't even that late. How am I going to pay my rent? Would you like fries with that sir?
Haley: Jamie.
Nathan: Jamie. God my girl's hot.

Lucas: So you got her a purple monkey, huh? Just like you had.
Brooke: You remember that?
Lucas: Of course, I do know some things about you, Brooke Davis. And you're gonna be a great mom.
Brooke: You think she'll like the purple monkey?
Lucas: I think that she's gonna love the girl that gives it to her.

Brooke: And anyway, Angie is scared of her creepy Aunt Peyton, isn't she? Yes. We like Uncle Lucas better.
Peyton: Hey!
Brooke: I'm kidding. [to Angie] We're kidding, aren't we? Yes.
Peyton: I mean it is pretty great that he's helping out. Its kind of Mr. Mom, but its nice.

Lucas: How's it going? Better?
Brooke: Yeah, I'm starting to get it down. She's sleeping through the night now.
Lucas: See? I told you you'd be a good mom.

Brooke: How long's it been?
Peyton: About an hour.
Brooke: You said that last time I asked.
Peyton: Well, hon, that was thirty seconds ago.

[Lucas is dialing a number from his phone ... Peyton, Brooke and Lindsey all pick up theirs]
Peyton: Hello?
Brooke: Hello?
Lindsey: Hello?
Lucas: Hey, it's me. Look, I'm at the airport. I've got two tickets to Las Vegas. Do you wanna get married tonight?

Brooke: Hey, handsome. These are for you, for our one year anniversary!
Lucas: Um, Brooke, I'm your husband. I'm supposed to give you flowers.
Brooke: I know. But I wanted to make sure I'd like them.

Peyton: Hey best friend!
Brooke: Hey, you didn't come home last night?
Peyton: Oh yeah, that's cuz I'm in LA with Lucas, and we want you to be the first to know, we're getting married!

Brooke: Congratulations!
Peyton: It's kinda sudden, right?
Brooke: Are you kidding? The rest of the world's been waiting on you two idiots since high school.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.