Mom volunteered me for the Army. Just because the fat man dared her to.

George, Sr.: Ban on organized sports?
Buster: You know, how you wouldn't let me sign up for anything when I was a kid.
George, Sr.: Is that what you've been thinking all these years? No, no, look, you were ... you were just a turd out there, you know? You couldn't kick, and you couldn't run, you know? You were just a turd.
Buster: Prison has destroyed the way you talk. If that's what it takes to impress these guys around here, then they are not your friends.

Oscar: Ok, but I never meant to break up your family. Your mom called me for a reason. I-I don't think she's happy.
Buster: No, she's happy. She's just mean all the time.

Michael: Not everything is strippers and booze and buckets of blood. Why do you guys have buckets of blood?
Gob: It's not real blood. It's, um, corn syrup and red dye. Juice.
Buster: We have unlimited juice? (laughs) This party is going to be off the hook.

Buster: Where'd Annyong get that juice box?
Annyong: Annyong.
Lucille: Those are for his soccer team. No sugar for you. You just get more awful.

Maggie: Did you ever see him return from these trips with anything unusual?
Buster: He once came back once with a black statue with an erect penis. It stayed in our living room until my aunt objected.

Buster: I'm a scholar. I enjoy scholarly pursuits.
Lucille: Suddenly, playing with yourself is a scholarly pursuit.

Michael: He's not a chicken. He just doesn't like confined spaces, that's all.
Gob: I thought it was open spaces.
Buster: No, it's both.

Buster: Come on, you douche bags, we're all on the same team!
Gob: Don't listen to him. He'll never stand up to the Man. He's a chicken. A chicken. Coka, coka, coka, coh!
Buster: My whole life you've called me a chicken. But that's over now. I have nothing to prove.

Gob: I hope you're up to this, Buster! This is a game of courage! A game for men!
Buster: Yeah, well, it's a game I'm ready for! Uh-oh. My seat doesn't have a cushion.

Buster: I need a different job. I'm having real trouble in a confined, indoor space.
Michael: How do you feel about working outdoors?
Buster: Uh ... What else do you have?

(to Gob) Chickens don't clap!

Arrested Development Quotes

Um, I forget their name, but I know they're hungry. I think some are thirsty.


(talking about the money their fund-raiser brought in) Well, most of that money was from the Bluth Company. I mean, how ...
(Michael looks surprised) ... are you?
