Michael: I don't think us sleeping together is working out. You're a grown man. You should be living with your mother.
Buster: Yeah. I miss mom.
Michael: I can tell.

Maeby: Who's this?
Buster: Oh, I'm sorry. This is Annyong.
Annyong: Annyong.
Subtitles: Hello.
Buster: My mom bought him. She's making me register him for school. He's my new little brother.
Maeby: So, we're related. Hey, do you want to go to a dance?
George Michael: Oh, great, another uncle to compete with.

You're trying to steal from the wrong man. Watch your back, my little immigrant friend.

Buster: Whoa, whoa, whoa! We are not allowed to have candles in here. Mom would freak.
Lucille: Oh, no, it's fine. This is America, baby. You pray how you want.

Michael: Mom wanted me to tell you that she doesn't care whether you live or die, but if you're not dead, she would like to see you at the courthouse tomorrow in a blue sweater.
Buster: Damn it! I hate the blue sweater.
Michael: She said it would look nice with the grey pants.
Buster: Damn it! She's right.

(After Marta breaks up with both Gob and Michael)
Buster: Wait, wait. What about - what about me?
Marta: I'm sorry, I'm not totally sure who you are.
Buster: Wow. Wow. That's what it feels like to get punched in the face.

Buster: Well, I would never, uh, do this while you were still going out, but, uh ... if you're done with her, I'd sure like a crack at her.
Gob: Right, right ... That sounds great. Go for it, buddy ... But you know that she's kind of used to being with me, right? So ... it would be sort of like going from prime rib to, I don't know, weird brother of prime rib.

Buster: Mom always taught us to curl up in a ball and remain motionless when confronted. That's what I did in high school when I almost got into a fight.
Michael: I think that was about being attacked by bears.

Buster: So, are you going to hit me?
Gob: No, I'm not going to hit you. You're not the brother Marta's cheating on me with.
Buster: Oh, who is?
Gob: How should I know, Buster?

Carl: Now, wait a minute. This is just purely a social call. You know, just two adults getting a stew on, man.
Buster: I don't know what that means, but it sounds disgusting.

Lucille: Blow.
(Holds out tissue)
Buster: No, Mother! I can blow myself.

Lucille 2: Buster, this is exactly why our relationship does not work.
Buster: Our relationship doesn't work?
Lucille 2: No, not as long as you keep getting me all mixed up with your mother.
Buster: It is exactly the opposite. I'm leaving my mother for you. You're replacing my mother.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.