Arizona: Ok, I know I'm not perfect, and I know sometimes I don't listen, and I'm sorry about that, so here I am ready to listen.
Callie: Um, ready to listen.
Arizona: Like a priest at confession.

My lack of interest in seeing you is not a strategy. I'm not playing hard to get. I don't want to see you because I turned my life upside down for you and you walked away because for a week I was cranky. You're untrustworthy, so I don't want to see you. You're self-centered, so I don't want to see you. I am a hundred percent certain that if I let you back in my life again you will hurt me again, so I don't want to see you. This isn't a ploy. I'm not pouting. I don't want you in my life. Get your crap out of my apartment.

Really, please, go back to Malawi.

Dr. Stark, you're new here, but in this hospital, we take shootings personally.

No, no, you will not hold me hostage and make me listen to you. I am rebuilding the leg of a kid who's been shot. That's, that's why I'm here. That's the only reason.

You had to fly across the world to get to me Arizona because you flew a whole world away without ever looking back. You just left. And this might be news to you — no, I think it kinda is — but you're not the only one in this relationship. There are two of us, and you came back today but I didn't.

I'm still awesome.

I am stubbornly choosing to believe that not all people are evil and bad and leave me at airports.

I am amazing!

Sex with you just makes me sad.

Mark: Water?
Callie: I want sorbet.
Mark: Sweet tooth? I think I've got cookies around here somewhere. Oh. Oh. Really?
Callie: Really.

Callie: Did she mention me?
Teddy: What?
Callie: I know she writes to you so I'm asking you if she's mentioned me.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
