Miranda: Just don't fuck on a first date, you're fine.
Carrie: Third date.
Charlotte: Too soon!
Samantha: Reality check. A guy can just as easily dump you if you fuck him on the first date as he can if you wait until the tenth.
Miranda: When have you ever been on a tenth date?
Charlotte: And by then at least you're emotionally involved.
Samantha: Exactly. I mean, isn't it better to find out if the sex is good right off the bat, before anybody's feelings get hurt?

Charlotte: I have to start keeping a vagina journal.
Miranda: What a dear vagina why so blue?
Carrie: Dear vagina - guess who I have a crush on?!

Charlotte is trying to decide whether to have anal sex with a man she's dating.
Miranda: It all depends on how much you like him?
Charlotte: A lot.
Miranda: "Dating a few months until somebody better comes along a lot", or "marrying him and moving to the East Hampton's" a lot?
Charlottte: I don't know, I'm not sure.
Miranda: Well, you better get sure real quick.
Charlotte: You're scaring me.
Carrie: Don't scare her.
Miranda: It's all about control. If he goes up there, there's gonna be a shift in power, either he'll have the upper hand or you will. Now there's a certain camp that believe whoever holds the dick, holds the power. (Cab Driver turns around) Hello, you're driving! The question is, if he goes up your butt, will he respect you more or respect you less? That's the issue.
Cab Driver: No smoking in cab.
Carrie: Sir, were talking "up the butt", a cigarette is in order.
(Cuts to Samantha now in the cab)
Samantha: Front. Back. Who cares? A hole is a hole.
Miranda: Can I quote you?
Samantha: Don't be so judgmental. You could use a little back door.
Charlotte: I'm not a hole.
Carrie: Honey, we know.
Samantha: Look, all I'm saying is this is a physical expression, that the body, well, it was designed to experience. And p.s., it's fabulous.

Charlotte: I feel like we don't belong here!
Carrie: That's because we're wearing shirts!
Miranda: Seriously, why don't straight men have bodies like this?
Carrie: Because gay men have the possibility of sex at the gym! If straight men had that they'd be working out all the time too!
Samantha: I've had sex at the gym!
Carrie: See, Samantha's doing her part to motivate the masses!

(the girls are jogging in the park)
Charlotte: Cute, who's that?
Miranda: An Ophthalmologist I once faked orgasms with.
Carrie: Ok, we're officially stopping.
Miranda: I only slept with him twice. The first time I faked it because it was never going to happen, and the second time I had to fake it because I faked it the first time.

Samantha is crying
Carrie: What's going on, why are you crying?
Samantha: James has a small dick.
Carrie: Well, it's not the end of the world.
Samantha: It's really small.
Miranda: How small?
Samantha: Too small.
Carrie: Well, size isn't everything....
Samantha: Three inches.....
Carrie: Well....
Samantha: Hard!
Charlotte: Is he a good kisser?
Samantha: Oh, who the fuck cares! His dick is like a gherkin!

Charlotte: There was so much skin. It was like a shar pei.
Carrie: You've never seen an uncircumcised one?
Charlotte: I'm from Connecticut.

Charlotte: It's because women really just want to be rescued.
Carrie: (voiceover) There it was. The sentence independent single women in their thirties are never supposed to think, let alone say out loud.
Charlotte: I'm sorry but it's true. I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
Miranda: Who? The white knight?
Samantha: That only happens in fairy tales.
Charlotte: My hair hurts.

Charlotte: Oh, my God! Vagina Weights.
Samantha: Honey, my vagina waits for no man.

Charlotte: I've never done a number two at a guys place before.
Samantha: Honey, you're so uptight you need to do a number seven.

Samantha: I'm back with Richard.
Charlotte: Richard whose death we've been plotting?

Charlotte : What kind of diet book are you looking for?
Miranda : I don't know. Something with a title like How to Lose That Baby Fat by Sitting On Your Ass.
Courtney [showing Carrie her book cover] : Let me talk you through it. Blurred background, aah, fast paced city. And you, naked with nothing but your ideas.
Carrie : I get it. But, see, no matter how fast paced the city, I always manage to get my clothes on before I leave the apartment.