[Claire is looking at picture on Betty's cell phone]
Claire: It's a guy with no chin and permanent bed head
Betty: Oh that's Walter

Claire: How are [Alexis and Daniel]?
Betty: They're adjusting...
Claire: Betty..
Betty: It's like Cain and Abel.. if Abel was a woman... who used to be a man

Claire: This is kidnapping
Daniel: You're not blindfolded in the trunk of a car, this is a deluxe suite in the Grand Regent...
Claire: It doesn't even have a park view, I might as well be tied to a chair having my ear sliced off

What a cute little house, I could put it in my pocket


Dr Farcus [to Betty]: You should stay away from the blueberry, it stains your teeth
Claire: Wow. You really can't follow this kind of chemistry

Ignacio: Mrs Meade, what do you take in your coffee?
Claire: With vodka and ice, hold the coffee

Betty, you're lying. With so many saints in your living room how can you lie like that?

Claire: How'd you get in here, only family is allowed
Wilhelmina: I'm your incredibly tan sister.

Cut the act Wilhelmina. I'm not Bradford or one of the other suits in that office that can be taken in by your collagen smile and plastic ass

Please, this is cake. How many rehabs have I been through? At least here you can score a decent glass of toilet wine.

Claire: ...and your weakness for having sex in public places
Daniel: That was only one time... and that wasn't a public place... until they moved the truck

Clarie: I don't mean to cast doubt on this lovely ceremony but is this legally biding?
Betty: Oh yeah, she was an ordained minister before he decided to become an actress slash model. How perfect is that?
Claire: A mother's dream

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.