MEREDITH: "I just wish the baby would get well and go home and Thatcher will go with her. Is that wrong?"
CRISTINA: "Wrong would be if you wished the baby wouldn't get well."
MEREDITH: "Okay, good. Thanks."

Jackson: April, in the OR behind there are two OR nurses and an anesthesiologist. Get them. Tell them to set up for a cardiac procedure
April: What, what why? If we don't have a surgeon what are we going to do?
Jackson: We have a surgeon.
April: Who's going to operate on Dr. Shepherd?
Cristina: I am.

CRISTINA: "If I stab this fork into his thigh, will I get in trouble?"
MEREDITH: "Not if you make it look like an accident."

Cristina: Mer, why do you care what I think?
Meredith: Because you're my person!

CRISTINA: "What's wrong?"
PRESTON: "Oh, nothing. Just dragging a little. I only did two miles this morning. O'Malley and I were up to six, we pushed each other."
CRISTINA: "Ah, you're missing George."
PRESTON: "No. No, of course not."
CRISTINA: "Drink your coffee."

Cristina: That list is everything - it is my future. It is my salvation. The list is life.
Owen: You're comparing the merger with Schindler's List?
Cristina: I'm Jewish. I'm allowed.

IZZIE: "Hey, Hank and I have great sex, all the time. In fact we'll probably have sex after the party, or during the party."
GEORGE: "As long as you clear it with Meredith."
IZZIE: "Hank just needs to realize that doctors can have fun. We’re not all workaholics with God complexes."
CRISTINA: "We ARE workaholics with God complexes."

Cristina: These are good! Do they sell these in the cafeteria?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: No, those are the cancer pops.
Cristina: Why do cancer people get all the fun?
Meredith: How do you feel Iz?
Izzie: I'm not looking forward to the hurling that's about to happen, but I feel ok. I feel good.
Cristina: Bailey's on some sort of rampage. I think it's Post O'Malley Stress Disorder.
Meredith: She's not dealing with her grief.
Cristina: You sound like Owen's shrink.
Meredith: Owen's shrink is withholding sex, so she is grumpy and inappropriate.
Izzie: Is Derek doing that too? Withholding sex?
Meredith: Why would Derek withhold sex?
Izzie: Alex is withholding everything. It's like he's afraid, but I don't know what afraid of.
Cristina: He's afraid of the cancer sex.
Meredith: Cristina!
Cristina: He doesn't wanna end up with a cancer pop.
Izzie: Just shut the hell up. I'm not contagious Cristina.
Cristina: I know that. I would totally have sex with you.

"Destructive, aggressive hell-dog available!"

[to Burke] "That was definitely worth being late."

IZZIE: [to Alex] "Oh no no no... don't don't don't touch that. That was $79 dollars!"
CRISTINA: "Oh my God, I have got to get out of here."

PRESTON: "So... it's date night."
CRISTINA: "Yeah, it's a night... with a date."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
