PRESTON: "So... it's date night."
CRISTINA: "Yeah, it's a night... with a date."

Cristina: Private lessons with the Chief. Man, those daddy issues are working for you.
Meredith: I don't have daddy issues. He's teaching me.
Karev: You're his bitch.
Meredith: Well, in that case you're Teddy's bitch.
Karev: Maybe that's my problem - I'm nobody's bitch.
Cristina: You're Izzie's bitch.
Karev: YOU'RE a bitch.

You made me a better doctor tonight, Dr. Webber. Thank you.

Cristina: I... I... don't even know you.
Owen: So?

Cristina: I'm sorry. We lost him. The patient. I'm sorry.
Owen: I don't need you to be sorry. I don't need you to be sorry. I don't NEED you ...
Cristina: Alright, alright.

IZZIE: "Hey, Hank and I have great sex, all the time. In fact we'll probably have sex after the party, or during the party."
GEORGE: "As long as you clear it with Meredith."
IZZIE: "Hank just needs to realize that doctors can have fun. We’re not all workaholics with God complexes."
CRISTINA: "We ARE workaholics with God complexes."

"Destructive, aggressive hell-dog available!"

Cristina: That list is everything - it is my future. It is my salvation. The list is life.
Owen: You're comparing the merger with Schindler's List?
Cristina: I'm Jewish. I'm allowed.

Cristina: These are good! Do they sell these in the cafeteria?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: No, those are the cancer pops.
Cristina: Why do cancer people get all the fun?
Meredith: How do you feel Iz?
Izzie: I'm not looking forward to the hurling that's about to happen, but I feel ok. I feel good.
Cristina: Bailey's on some sort of rampage. I think it's Post O'Malley Stress Disorder.
Meredith: She's not dealing with her grief.
Cristina: You sound like Owen's shrink.
Meredith: Owen's shrink is withholding sex, so she is grumpy and inappropriate.
Izzie: Is Derek doing that too? Withholding sex?
Meredith: Why would Derek withhold sex?
Izzie: Alex is withholding everything. It's like he's afraid, but I don't know what afraid of.
Cristina: He's afraid of the cancer sex.
Meredith: Cristina!
Cristina: He doesn't wanna end up with a cancer pop.
Izzie: Just shut the hell up. I'm not contagious Cristina.
Cristina: I know that. I would totally have sex with you.

Cristina: You will marry... general surgery. Or, you know, okay, perhaps neuro. But you, you are nowhere near hardcore enough to commit to cardio.
Izzie: So you are telling me to... stop flirting with your husband. Haha, I get it. That’s cute. But if you’re going to ask me a favor... insulting my personal life is probably not a great tactic.
Cristina: No, no, wait, I am not talking about your sex life. I could not care less about your sex life. It’s a skydiver. Izzie. A skydiver.
Izzie: Oh yeah, sounds real cool. Enjoy.

Cristina: How are you fine? How are you just completely fine? I'm ruined, okay I'm dead. I am wrecked. And you're just what, walking around babysitting me? As if you didn't go through the same thing too. Why are you okay?
Meredith: I don't know.
Cristina: You know what, you were there too. You were there too with your sad eyes screaming at me to save his life. Telling the guy to shoot you and not giving a crap about yourself or your pregnancy. I didn't have a choice. And you did that. If it was anyone else on the table, if it was anyone else standing there I would have walked away.
Meredith: You could not have walked away.
Cristina: I could have walked away and then I wouldn't be here!

CALLIE: "What are you... are you... You're actually asking me..."
CRISTINA: "To be my bridesmaid, yeah."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
