Damien: You're bait for a scumbag like Leonard Franklin.
Jared: Hey that's my crappy dad you're trashing.

I don't think this is going to blow over. I think this is going to blow up.

Damien: I can't believe you even remember me. I was only their once.
Alyssa: Twice.
Damien: Well, onceish.

I've been told that scientifically speaking I have a very common face.

And I go to strip clubs because I love buffalo wings.

Damien; Since the gun was a dairy product we can probably get the weapons charged dismiss.

There's another reason not to offer those two partnership. They're idiots.

Jared: Trial team group hug?
Peter: Let's do it.
Damien: No.

That was zen master yoda style deflecting.

Karp: I have wanted a judicial appointment since I was six years old.
Infeld: I remember helping you with your Judge Wapner Halloween costume.

Do you always refer to yourselves in the third person, like super heros?

Karp: Stay with me.
Lily: I can't with my medical condition.
Karp: What condition?
Lily: Severe allergy to boredom.

Franklin & Bash Quotes

See that's a talent, sounding like a total asshole even when you're supposedly saying something sincere.


"Sorry, sorry. Jean Claude Van Damme marathon last night. Unavoidable.
