Off campus, I'm just a craig-ular Joe.

Dean: Devil here! Just stopping by here for a little damnation orientation, here's the sched: at 10 you'll be buried neck deep in scorpions, at 11:15 lava enemas, followed by Pilates! Pilates is the demon that eats your genitals.

I don't remember anything you said before "rectum"!!!

I hope you like getting balled.

Eat that city college and wash it down with a big tall glass of SUCK IT.

Well that answers my question. Jeff Winger is sexy even in a coffin.

Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie!

I have always dreamt of playing charades with you, Jeffrey. Just not like this. And not on dry land.

Add Eat, Pray, Love soundtrack to workout mix.

I've been told we need a little baby quarantine until the army gets here.

Abed: Here. Right next to the truck stop with three thumbs.
Pelton: Those aren't thumbs.

If you'll excuse me, I have to make this into a butt flag.

Community Quotes

Jeff: Everyone on this campus is nuts
Leonard [in pool]: Not me!
Jeff: Oh come on Leonard, if you're going to argue with me, put on a bathing suit
Leonard: Busted

I've loved you since there was only one Soviet Union and one Damon Wayans.
