Brock: You have some dangerous machinery for sale here. I think you're begging for trouble on this one.
Dr. Venture: I thought you handled all that, and I don't hear any big ideas from you on how to get some quick cash, come on! Most of this stuff is old crap my dad left behind.
Brock: Doc, you have a table over there with a sign that says Laser Death Ray Bargain Bin!
Dr. Venture: Well that's why you have your little ska band there to keep the oddballs in costumes from raising Cain

Dr. Orpheus: You're one lucky duck. Oh, it must be dreamy to have a costumed nemesis--chasing you, wringing his gloved hands in concern of your every move.
Dr. Venture: You're kidding, right?
Dr. Orpheus: It just seems so romantic

Dr. Orpheus: My friend! Bedlam has broken out athwart the Kingdom of Venture! Join me in battle!
Dr. Venture: Oh crap. Brock is never going to let me hear the end of this

Oh come on! You're going to kill me because I had fake sex on graph paper with a girl who barely spoke to you in real life?!

Dr. Venture: Is my tie on straight?
Brock: Yeah. You can't miss with a clip-on.

Tiny Attorney: So... mind-reader... fascinating, could you read the mind of... say for instance... The Monarch?
Dr. Orpheus: If it would please the court.
The Monarch: Objection, no way!
Judge: This is most unorthodox.
Dr. Venture: Unorthodox! The defendant is in a crown for God's sake

The Monarch: Tears!? Come on! You know that sick deformed freak! You know he was pounding his invisible meat!
Dr. Venture: Your honor, I have children here! I don't want them listening to this potty talk!
Judge: Order! I want that comment struck from the record. And my mind

Dr. Orpheus: If I reach behind your ear, it will not be a nickel I pull out, but your very soul!
Dr. Venture: Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen, you've been a great crowd...

Tiny Attorney: Dr. Orpheus, could you tell the court what you... do? You're a type of... magician?
Dr. Venture: Oh, they have no idea what they're in for...

Brock: Who do you think supplied the department with new cruisers last year?
Dr. Venture: My tax dollars, for one.
Hank: Santa Claus, for two!

If I knew you could just call the cops on him, I would've done it years ago! Because I'm no sissy, no sir, I would just pick up that phone and, "Officer? There's a man in a butterfly suit shooting my robot with a laser beam."

Dr. Venture: You jury-rigged my body, that's why I have all these blackouts. I thought it was the pills.
Jonas: Your body's a mess! It's become absolutely uninhabitable.
Dr. Venture: Yeah, well I don't remember asking you to live in me! Wait a minute. You're why I've been having all these fucked up dreams. You're probably why I lost my hair too, aren't you! You stole my hair!

Venture Bros. Quotes

Hank: You are not the boss of me
Sgt Hatred: Au contraire, I am tony danza to your spunky Alyssa Milano. I am full on Charles In Charge of you

Hank: Is it just me or does every Nazi want to clone Hitler? It's like the only they think about
Srgt. Hatred: It seems that way, right. I guess when everyone hates you, you just fixate on making rotten Hitlers