J.J.: I'm a swimmer. I don't put alcohol or drugs in my body.
Eli: Absolutely. I was a mathlete. We had a similar ethos.

Patti: Can you believe how easily people are bought?
Eli: The exodus has begun.
Patti: Only the morally bankrupt and weak-minded. No one liked your wife's banana bread. We only ate it to be polite!

Eli: You're the best, Patti.
Patti: I assume that'll be reflected in my Christmas bonus?

Taylor: He just needs a gentle push.
Eli: Well, he's your boyfriend, Taylor. Did you try the red nightie thing? That certainly convinced me to... uh, that's inappropriate. Noted.

Eli: Patti, you know that box you've been keeping for me with all the faxes and letters from potential clients?
Patti: You mean the wackadoo file?
Eli: I mean the box with all the fascinating complex legal dilemmas that could one day end up in the Supreme Court.
Patti: Well what I have is a box full of cases from the nutballs that saw you on the news--the wackadoo file?
Eli: Could I just have it?

Jordan: Eli, I understand you have a special affection for Ms. Dekker.
Eli: Why does everyone keep saying that?
Taylor: You're kidding, right?

Eli: Is everything okay, sir?
Jordan: No, Eli. My position as managing partner of my own firm is at stake, and it appears the attorneys I've chosen to defend me against allegations I'm suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can't seem to agree on a time of day.
Taylor: It's 11:19.
Eli: Give or take few minutes.

Eli: What? Oh, you've got vision fever.
Nathan: Huh. I must have missed that day at medical school.
Eli: You had a vision last week. You read a little bit of Dad's journal. It's all cool and exciting. You've got the prophet bug.
Nathan: Would you stop making up spiritual ailments, please?

Maggie: There's nothing in this file that could me want to abandon my mentor.
Eli: Firstly, he's not your mentor. Secondly, I didn't abandon him, Taylor's handling it, and believe me, she's happier that I no longer am. And thirdly, I'm doing this with or without your help. And we both know that you're biologically incapable of turning down a poor sick kid case like this.
Maggie: I hate you.

Eli: Three thousand? What, dollars?
Nate: American dollars.
Eli: You talking to me? 'Cause I can have you smited. I know people.

This wasn't like a regular vision, Frank. This was like someone spiked the vision punch.

Patti: Are we suing Duke Ellington, Eli?
Eli: Probably not. He's dead.

Eli Stone Quotes

Lenore: So, his father and I went outside to find Eli naked covered in feathers and chocolate syrup.
Eli: Thanks, Mom. [to Nathan] And thank you, too.
Nathan: Come on, I was ten. Just be glad I couldn't find tar.

Are you breaking up with me? 'Cause I-I was just diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, and that would be really bad timing on your part.

Eli Stone