Emily: I didn't hear the doorbell.
Lorelai: We didn't ring the doorbell.
Emily: You let yourselves in?
Lorelai: It's okay, Mom. Look, not a rapist among us.

Straub: Tell me, Lorelai. What have you been doing with your life anyway, besides hating successful businessmen? I'm just curious.
Emily: Why don't we all go into the dining room?
Lorelai: Well, um, Straub, I run an inn near Stars Hollow.
Straub: Really?
Lorelai: Yes, really.
Christopher: Dad, come on.
Straub: Nice to see you found your calling.
Emily: Dinner's ready.
Francine: Christopher, your tie.
Christopher: Mom, please.
Straub: (to Lorelai) And is your life everything you hoped it would be?
Lorelai: Yes, it is.
Straub: Because it seems to me that you might not want to take such a haughty tone when you announce to the world that you work in a hotel.

Lorelai: I hate President Bush.
Strobe: What?!
Emily: Lorelai!
Christopher: Oh boy
Lorelai: He's stupid!

Emily: You remember Straub and Francine don't you?
Lorelai: Oh, yes, the Schnickelfritzes.
Emily: The who?
Lorelai: (rolls eyes) The Haydens.

Emily: You usually knock.
Lorelai: Not since you gave us a key.
Emily: That is for emergencies.
Lorelai: Well mom, I'm starving to death. Is that enough of an emergency for you?

Emily: Straub is actually a good man. Very smart. He was one of the top lawyers in his field, a very arcane aspect of International law. And he's always been so active in his community. His charity work has never diminished over the years. (she pauses) Oh let's face it - he's a big ass. [Rory laughs] Rory, I know you heard a lot of talk about various disappointments this evening and I know you've heard a lot of talk about it in the past. But I want to make this very clear - you, young lady, your person and your existence have never ever been - not even for a second -included in that list. Do you understand me?
Rory: Yeah, I do.

Emily: (about Luke) And how did he know that the bird was missing? What, was he strolling by your house and he heard your plaintive cries for help?
Lorelai: Mom.
Emily: Or the helpless cheep of a chick in trouble?
Lorelai: I called him, Mom. OK? I called him and asked him to come over and help me look for the bird. OK?
Emily: It seems like this man is always around when you're in trouble.
Lorelai: He's a good friend.
Emily: Oh, please.
Lorelai: Do we have to discuss this?
Emily: Lorelai, I'm getting a little tired of being lied to.
Lorelai: Apparently we do.
Emily: This man was at Rory's birthday party, he came to the hospital with you, he's the male lead in every story you tell, you go to the diner every single day. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. I'm not a fool.
Lorelai: Mom, please.
Emily: Why do you treat me like I don't have a clue in the world as to what is going on in your life? Now I'm asking you, as a favor, if you have any respect for me at all as your mother, just tell me. Do you have feelings for this man?
Lorelai: I don't know. Maybe I do. I haven't given it much thought. Maybe I do.
Emily: Thank you. I'm glad you were finally honest with me. Now we can discuss what on earth you could possibly be thinking. Don't forget the ice.

Lorelai: Rory just dressed up in a cute apron the other day, and so I was just teasing her about it.
Richard: Why did you get dressed up in an apron?
Lorelai: W..well, we decided to give up on that pesky Harvard dream and focus on something more realistic. Mom, dad, Rory's decided to become a maid, just like I was.
Emily: Is that funny? (to Richard) Did you think that was funny?
Richard: What would have possessed you to say such a thing?!
Emily: And in front of Rory?!
Lorelai: I was kidding.
Emily: God, my heart stopped!
Lorelai: (To Rory) Why don't you tell them about your bird? That seems like a safe subject.

Richard: We always go to the Vineyard at this time of year.
Lorelai: Well, you know, you could break the chain, Dad. Go to Paris.
Rory: Yes, Paris!
Lorelai: Impressionism, poodles.
Rory: Crme brle.
Lorelai: Oh, that's great!
Richard: Impossible!
Lorelai: Pourquoi? (speaking to Rory) French.
Emily: We only go to Europe in the fall.
Lorelai: You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring.
Rory: I heard that too.
Emily: We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall.
Lorelai: It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me.
Richard: Well what is so interesting about Europe in the spring?
Lorelai: Spring vegetables.
Emily: You want us to go to Europe to eat a vegetable?
Lorelai: No, Mom. I don't know. There's all kinds of stuff. There's festivals and, you know, Europe.
Emily: In the fall.
Richard: It costs a fortune to travel first class in Europe. We only do it every two years.
Emily: In the fall.
Richard: It's just not in the budget this year.
Lorelai: You don't have to fly first class.
(Emily and Richard both look stunned)
Lorelai: 'Cause there's always coach.
(Richard looks even more stunned)
Lorelai: (taken aback) Or business class is slightly less. There's deals on the Internet. (Richard and Emily remain silent) Hmm. (to Rory)Pass the potatoes.

(Richard and Emily have finally managed to secure a place on Martha's Vineyard)
Emily: The two of you must come up for the weekend. It is so lovely. Rory would just love it.
Rory: (speaking to Lorelai) Can we go for a weekend?
Lorelai: We'll see how much Valium Auntie Sookie can lend Mommy, OK?

(dinner at Emily and Richard's)
Lorelai: Mmm, kickass wine.
Emily: How poetic!
Lorelai: It's got a nice smell. Earthy, vibrant, you can taste the Italian's feet.
Richard: Well, it's a Bordeaux, it's French.
Lorelai: Ha, what's an Italian's foot doing in a French wine?

(after Emily confronts Lorelai about kissing Max at Rory's school)
Lorelai: It was a mistake.
Emily: A mistake? A mistake? Is that what you call it, a mistake?
Lorelai: Well, I tried calling it 'Al', but it would only answer to 'mistake.'

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
