Emily: Kissing a teacher? In a classroom? On Parents' day?
Lorelai: Well, they wanted us to get more involved with school!

Lorelai: Why are you smiling like that?
Emily: What are you talking about?
Lorelai: You're smiling.
Emily: I'm happy.
Lorelai: That's not your 'I'm happy smile.'
Emily: Well, then what smile is it Lorelai?
Lorelai: It's your 'I've got something on Lorelai smile.'
Lorelai: Rory, your mother must be very tired.
Rory: She works a lot.
Lorelai: I grew up with that smile. I know that smile.
Emily: (to Rory) Tell me about school.
Rory: Well, my French final went pretty well.
Lorelai: You can change the subject. I know the smile.
Emily: Whatever you say, dear.
Lorelai: I used it a few times myself.
Rory: Mom...
Emily: (to Rory) So tell me about Parents' day.
Lorelai: What?
Emily: Parents' day. Next Wednesday. When all the parents are supposed to go to class with their children all day long.
Lorelai: The Chilton newsletter came out today!
Rory: Yep.
Lorelai: Right.
Emily: You didn't read yours?
Lorelai: Not yet.
Emily: Ah...
Lorelai: But you knew that.
Emily: Well...
Lorelai: Hence the smile.

Emily: So what is exactly going on between the two of you?
Luke: Nothing. Really. We're friends, that's it.
Emily: You're idiots-the both of you.

Emily: (patting Rory) This little girl likes you.
Richard: Well, she has good taste.

Emily: (almost in tears) Richard Gilmore, there may be many things happening in this hospital tonight, but your dying is not one of them. I did not sign on to your dying, and it is not going to happen. Not tonight, not for a very long time. In fact, I demand to go first. Do I make myself clear?
Richard: (tenderly) Yes, Emily. You may go first.

It's not 'Ms. Gilmore', it's Mrs. Gilmore! Mrs. Gilmore, I'm not a cosmo woman.

Emily: Okay Rory, come out here please.
(Rory comes into the room using a napkin as a bib and eating a taco)
Rory: Hey Grandma
Emily: (speaking to Lorelai) She's lived with you too long.
Lorelai: Honey, lose the bib and the taco, put your shoes on come back out, and let grandma take the pretty picture.

Emily: Oh you're so perfect and I was so horrible. I put you in good schools. I gave you the best of everything. I made sure you had the finest opportunities. And I am so tired of hearing about how you were suffocated and I was so controlling. Well if I was so controlling why couldn't I control you running around getting pregnant and throwing your life away?
Lorelai: Get out!
Emily: What?
Lorelai: You will not come into my house and tell me I threw my life away. Look around, Mom. This is a life. It has a little color in it so it may look a little unfamiliar to you, but it's a life. And if I hadn't gotten pregnant I wouldn't have Rory.
Emily: You know that's not what I meant.
Lorelai: Maybe I was some horrible, uncontrollable child like you say, but Rory's isn't. She's smart and careful and I trust her, and she's going to be fine. And if you can't accept that or believe that, then I don't want you in this house!

(in response to Dean honking the horn for Rory to come out) This is not a drive-through! She is not fried chicken!

Lorelai: Mom?
Emily: Yeah?
Lorelai: I made the dress.
Emily: You did a nice job.
Lorelai: Thanks.
Emily: With Rory and the dress.
Lorelai: Thank you.

Emily: What are you doing?
Lorelai: I'm taking out the avocado.
Emily: Since when don't you like avocado?
Lorelai: Since I said "Gross, what is this?" and you said "Avocado".
Emily: What's wrong with the tomato?
Lorelai: It was fraternizing with the enemy.

Emily: (about the mashed banana on toast) I used to make this all the time for you when you were a little girl.
Lorelai: You did?
Emily: Yes! Whenever you got sick, I made this.
Lorelai: Are you sure it wasn't the other way around?

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
