When on a mission of revenge, one must maintain total control, over risks, emotions, and one's enemies. The single greatest threat to success is losing control of your allies.


Emily: I know things went south before--
Nolan: Things didn't just go south, Ems. They went Arctic. And you know what, frankly, I'm kind of tired of the way that this stuff is constantly screwing up our lives. Especially the stuff you want the most.

Emily: I have it all handled.
Nolan: See, you say that, Ems, but uh, the more strings you pull, the easier it is to get strangled. But then again I'm just a self-made billionaire with a 170 IQ, so what do I know, right?

Emily: Jack, I'm so sorry.
Jack: Don't waste time being sorry. Just finish whatever it is you're gonna do.

Jack: I keep telling myself I don't want to know, maybe I'm trying to protect myself or you, but the more I see, the more I wonder what happened to that little girl that I met on the beach?
Emily: What happened to her? She lost everything, Jack. How do you not get that?
Jack: I know about loss, Emily. Believe me.

Emily: I'll handle this.
Jack: And how are you going to do that, Emily? You can't even trust the people you have on your side.

Aiden: Do you love him?
Emily: Are you serious?
Aiden: I need to know, Emily, because I didn't just come here to take down the Graysons. I came because of you, and I will not be made a fool of.

Nolan: The more things you try to control, the more chance for error.
Emily: I didn't come here for platitudes.

[to Aiden] You came back here to help me and I've made you feel used. But the truth is you mean so much more to me than that. You're everything to me.

It's hard for me to share memories from my past, Daniel. It's hard for me to trust. You know, people think that because I lost my family I never knew what real love was. But I did and it was ripped away from me and I still feel that pain like it was yesterday. That's why I push people away.

In order to regain control, we must sometimes relinquish it. By doing so, we believe we are protecting the ones we love, the ones we cannot live without. But the most dangerous truth of all is that control is merely an illusion.

Love built on lies is an arduous endeavor, for wherever passion and treachery meet, dissolution begins. Stiil, we fight to hold our ground in the emptiness ignoring the fact that every relationship, even the ones we cherish, inevitably dies.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
