Victory can never be achieved alone. Allegiances must be forged to overcome superior forces. Some born from a shared goal, others out of desperate need, but for a union to succeed, one must determine if an ally is truly a friend or merely an enemy in disguise.

Jack: I'm all in.
Emily: Let's do this.

Looks like happily ever after. I know we've had our differences, but it seems like you're getting exactly what you deserve. Congratuations, Victoria.

A revolution begins when the desires of many are addressed by the actions of one. It's a ripple of change that starts when the first stone is cast at those in power and only ends when one side lies defeated or if two sides become one.

When facing your enemy, no amount of training can trump nature. It separates the strong from the weak, and sometimes it tells us that surrender is the strongest move of all.

The only guarantee in a revolution is that the innocent are the first to fall.

Of all the weapons we take into battle there is none more powerful than the mind. It holds our instincts and our training. It allows us to distinguish friend from foe, love from hate. But if that weapon is unsound, it is by no means disarmed. For the mind is all the more dangerous when damaged and there's no guarantee that it won't choose itself as its next victim.

Nolan: So, Blackout Em speaks the truth?
Emily: I'm aware of that, Nolan.

Seized, confined, captive. Six years of my youth were spent that way. In juvenile detention, many lost hope. For me, being locked away was an impetus for revenge and for the vow that once I got out, I would punish those who took my freedom.

An intention fueled by passion can be impossible to stop. Over time it gains momentum until it turns into an impetus for change. This is how a notion transforms into motivation and how a child's vow becomes reality.

I love you, Aiden.

Emily: I know that all of this came at a price.
Jack: Stop. You haven't only honored your father today. You honored Declan and Amanda too. They'd be proud of you. I am.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
