Fez: I'm so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fez man, it's Star Wars.
Fez: Screw that.
Hyde: Hey Forman, man, this thing better be good. If I don't see some space jugs, I'm going to be super pissed.
Eric: Oh, hey, guys, I heard it was okay.
Kelso: Well, there is no way it's better than the Planet of the Apes. I mean, those apes were really good actors.

Kelso: Hey, I love her.
Eric: No, you don't.
Kelso: Okay, I don't.

Donna: So, what do you guys wanna do when you grow up?
Eric: Um, not touch dead people. Ever.

When I go to the hospital, I like to not die.

What could be so important that you'd give up a week of whoring around Fort Lauderdale? Oh, I know. It's your grades, right? You're flunking out. Bingo! Forman scores, right?

Jackie: Look, I need to talk to someone. I can really use a friend right now.
Eric: Okay then well, good luck with that.

Eric: I had a nice discussion with Red and Kitty about foreplay.
Donna: I'm really sorry Eric.
Eric: Yeah, me too.

Red: Damn good thing I went with him. He wanted to buy a leisure suit.
Eric: Come on, Dad. Leisure suits are cool. Everybody wears them.
Red: Leisure suits are for dumbasses. Believe me.
(Bob walks in wearing a leisure suit)

(after Jackie immediately does what Kelso implies)
Eric: That was so cool.
Donna: Cool?
Eric: By cool, I mean wrong and stupid.

Hyde: So what do you guys want to do?
Eric: We could walk to the Hub.
Hyde: Too far.
Eric: We could walk to...
Hyde: Too far.

Red: You were screwing around. You backed into a hydrant. I can see the paint marks!
Eric: No! And by no I mean exactly. But it wasn't my fault sir, Kelso was giving me a...
Red: A what?
Eric: Kelso was giving me a purple-nurple. It's when you grab someone's nipple through their shirt and twist it really hard... until it becomes purple.

Cop #2: Which one of you is Eric Forman?
Eric: Oh, that's me.
Cop #2: Wait a second... is your father Red Forman?
Eric (nervously): Yes.
Cop #2: You poor bastard!

That 70's Show Quotes

Eric: If my dad catches me copping beers he'll kill me.
Hyde: I'm willing to take that risk.

Kitty: Well, the kids are off. I wonder where they went.
Red: Out of town.
Kitty: How do you know?
Red: I told them not to.