Frank: My god, He's mortal!
Lutz: What just happened!?

Frank: Has anyone looked at this sexual harassment stuff they gave us?
Tracy: I don't need to read it; the whole thing is loosely based on an evening I had with Isiah Thomas.

Some of them are sun tea and some of them ... were sun tea.

The whole thing was so confusing I ended up getting my own crappy gift back. Like I need two copies of Over 60 Vixens.

Oh, I'd like to pre-apologize for clogging your tub, sink, and toilet.

I guess I'll get one of those throat radios and you'll be buried in a piano crate. Good night, Liz.

I saw it because it's on a compilation DVD I have of fat ladies crying.

Wow, an old white lady yelling at me while wearing microwaveable socks. This is so different than living with my mom.

Your ghost is going to see some disgusting stuff.

So much of my life was wasted creating hats!

You know, if you wanted to cheat on Carol with an Italian dude who smells like cigarettes, I've made it very clear I'd flip over my futon for you. Not cool!

Toofer can get us through Black, gay, and nerd controlled neighborhoods.