Jay: I had botox.
Gloria: Like the ladies use for their wrinkles?

Gloria [about Manny]: It's good, he keeps us grounded
Jay: Like a fog at a airport

I have two brains in my body but I've never felt so dumb.

What could be more natural than your mother’s tongue in your ear?

It sended! Please come back!

I'm Columbian, I know a fake crime scene when I see one.

Manny: I wanna be home-schooled.
Gloria: Really Manny? You want me to learn you English?

Gloria [punches guy]: Nobody calls him grandpa!
Luke: I do.

I come from a neighborhood with a lot of prostitutes.

In Colombia, you can't go to the hospital for every little sniffle or dislocated shoulder.

But I'm nice and I put on the sugar jacket!

Gloria: I have a small flower on my ankle, and a tiny, little butterfly on my....thigh.
Alex: How high up?
Gloria: Very high.
Alex: Did you do it to look sexy, no, did you do it for a guy? Does grandpa like it?
Gloria: No, no, and yes