I was sent to camp so my parents could argue in private.

Hank: I hated camp.
Boris: Me also.

Divya: That was almost too much information.
Hank: I love seeing you happy
Divya: Happy, yes..... maybe a little crazy too.
Hank: I just hope he is worthy of you.

You can't fix it, but you can be there. That's enough.

But can it tell how far she runs?

Once we get your potassium levels back to normal you will be dancing with the devil in no time.

Don't turn in your Manolo's just yet!

In my profession, too late is a relative term.


Were you like a ninja in your former life?


I've lived on my toes for thirty years....

Evan: Come on, Bro! Just give me the Cliffs Notes.
Hank: The Cliffs Notes just aren't available on this one right now!

Here I thought I was a good doctor. Now I know I'm just a pawn.

Royal Pains Quotes

Yeah, dude. Don't punk the crackberry. She'll light your ass up like a Christmas tree.


Note to self, become a doctor.
