Hanna: If it needs a tent, it's a circus.
Ashley: Says the girl who woke up at 4 a.m. for the Royal Wedding.
Hanna: I had to pee.
Ashley: For three hours?

Hanna: Right, roger that.
Aria: Roger that?
Hanna: What? We're on a mission.

What's next? Hiding in Melissa's closet? Rubbing her belly until the baby confesses?

Aria: Hanna, do you mind? It's kind of sacred ground.
Emily, Spencer, and Hanna: It is?!?

Hanna: I don't want to talk about it.
Spencer: You have to. You're in an elevator. Where are you going to go?

Spencer, stop giving us orders. We're not your winged monkeys.

Spencer, you do not need to know any more big words. You're already scary enough to anyone under 50.

Emily: This is me relaxed.
Hanna: We're gonna have to work on that.

Hanna: You are not starved! You just had a whole bowl of jellybeans.
Mona: They were complimentary.

Hanna: You love zombie movies.
Emily: I like watching them. I don't wanna be in one.

Spencer: We should take a photo of Ian, prove we haven't been making this all up.
Hanna: Yeah, well, you go ahead and do that, while I try not to get killed.

I thought talking to empty chairs is the kind of thing people come here to stop doing.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
