Meredith: You're laughing?
Alex: She's laughing.
Izzie: [laughing] George is dead! He's dead! They're about to put him in the ground and the priest is doing classic rock lyrics! And that girl, that redhead, is crying harder than his mother and she never even met him!
Cristina: You are far more twisted than I ever realized.

"You think... you think you know someone, know who they are. You share a house and make wishes on eyelashes with them and we don't know each other, none of us. We're just a bunch of interns who work together. There's nothing there!"

GEORGE: [sees picket line] "Oh no."
IZZIE: "What? What's the problem?"
GEORGE: "My dad's a truck driver, and my mother's a teacher. If the evening news shows me crossing the picket line, they'll out-live me just to pee on my grave."

[to George] "Remember the good old days? When you lived with us, when you used to tell me stuff. Like... where you live?!"

ALEX: "Izz, It's gonna be okay."
IZZIE: You're just saying that."
ALEX: "I know. Hey, where are you going?"
IZZIE: "I can't just... I gotta do something to help. But thank you... thank you for saying it’s gonna be okay, even if that's just what you say."

Cristina: We are not happy, glowy people.
Izzie: Yeah.
Cristina: We need to get out of here.
Meredith: Yeah

GEORGE: [bringing Meredith coffee] "Ahh! Hot!"
IZZIE: "Wouldn't it be easier to just ask her out?"

MANAGER: "I'm sorry, did you say-"
IZZIE: "You need to take it. Just take it please."
MANAGER: "Is that? It's covered in food. Is this some kind of joke?"
IZZIE: "Yes, it's kind of a joke. A really cruel joke."
MANAGER: "I'm sorry, you want to deposit this?"
IZZIE: "I wanted to deposit it. Do you think I would look like this?"
MANAGER: "I don't understand."
IZZIE: [crying] "I'm supposed to do something good. I'm supposed to do something good and I... Can you just deposit the damn thing already?!"

[to patient who threw up on Alex] "You are so my favorite person today."

Izzie: Good job everybody.
Intern: That's it?
Intern: After the last contest, we got a prize.
Intern: Yeah, what's our prize?
Izzie: You think every time you diagnose a patient and hand someone a death sentence, there's a prize? The prize is, you didn't screw it up this time. The prize is, you people actually did something right. The prize is, you were doctors today. You were doctors. That is the prize!

GEORGE: "Is Meredith the only person in the hospital who doesn’t know the size of this thing?"
IZZIE: "I’m telling her."
CRISTINA: "You can’t. She’s gone already."
IZZIE: "What? Already?"
CRISTINA: "I think she had, excuse me, an errand to run."
IZZIE: "You don’t think Meredith’s really going to mind about the party, right?"
GEORGE: "I want you to make it very clear to her that I had nothing to do with this party. Nothing."

Alex: Ok, that tastes like crap.
Izzie: Alex.
Alex: The shrimp tastes sweet and spicy. Kind of like our first date. The good part, the part before I didn't kiss you on the porch.
Izzie: Ok, nice.
Alex: The chicken, tastes like a drive to the beach with the windows down and the dog hanging out the window. Like when you're a kid. It's salty. Tastes good. But, I'd definitely vote for the shrimp if we have to choose.
Izzie: There's one more.
Alex: Ok, yeah. Yeah, that tastes like crap!
Bailey: Ok, the OR's prepped and ready. How 'bout you?
Izzie: Yeah, I'm ready. (Alex kisses her) Now, that tastes like crap.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
