Blue writing on green ... why?!?

Elisa has a big secret! My current theory is that she's the mother of those Michael Jackson kids!

Liz: Before I go, could I at least find out what Frank's hat says.
Jack: "Constant Craving."
Liz: He could do better!

We have a show tonight. I've never missed a show. Not even the time I had that virus they kept saying only raccoons get.

Liz: Excuse me, Mr. 'Winerslav' -
Jeffrey Weinerslav: It's pronounced, "Weinerslave.

I want to keep making prank phone calls to people like Seattle's Richard Sackmuncher.

We're in final negotiations to provide exclusive content to America's jails!

I put on a live hour show every week - unless there's wrestling. I'm on it.

Jack: The days of your wild coke parties are over.
Liz: Well, if by coke you mean soda.
Jack: I do.

That's 50 hours of comedy, over 300 sketches, one unsolved crew death, and an Emmy ... Magazine cover story.

[to Liz] He alleges you tried to barter sex in exchange for professional consideration. In the HR world we refer to that as being a filthy prostitute.

HR Guy

Fine - 30 minutes, I'll make some sounds and you can say one weird thing to me.