Liz: Sorry I'm not a robot!
Jack: We all are.

In my defense, I didn't know that Cathy Geiss was going to finish her song by taking off her underpants.

Jack: The American public doesn't want your elitist, east coast, alternative, intellectual, left wing-
Liz: Jack, just say Jewish, this is taking forever.

Liz: I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich.
Jack: How surprising that your world view is food-based.

Liz: No one can find out about this ...
Cerie: Find out about what?
Liz: Pete's stealing money!
Pete: Liz's uterus fell out!
Cerie: I think I already knew that.

Liz: We sure had quite a year.
Jack: What are you talking about? It's May.

Do you know if there's a sit down Quizno's in midtown?

Long distance is wrong distance.

Nope, your fiance's gay. Look at him. Pure case of fruit blindness.

There's no such thing as bisexual. That's just something invented in the 90s so they could sell more hair products.

Liz: If I have learned anything from my SIMS family: When a child doesn't see his father enough he starts to jump up and down, then his mood level with drop until he pees himself.

I do have a hard time telling ages with black - shoes are the best kind of shoes.