Meredith: It seems like you came home because you thought you were in trouble.
Derek: I came home because we're on trouble. I came home to work on us. I came home.

There’s this thing I used to do when I was a kid to my mom’s VCR. I’d take it apart piece by piece, then put it back together again. But inevitably, there was always a piece or two left over. Something I didn’t quite know what to do with. So, what do you do with that piece? Do you try to fit it back in? Do you try to make it work? Or do you decide you can live without that missing piece?

Meredith: He's done this before.
Maggie: What?
Meredith: Moved to a new city, got a new job, ignored his wife's calls, met a girl, fell in love, started over.
Callie: Wait, what are you talking about, "met a girl"?
Meredith: Me. He met me. He left Addison when the marriage got hard, moved to Seattle, met me in a bar. What if he's doing the same thing now?

Meredith: She was perky, and she sounded happy and tall with a lot of great hair.
Alex: You saw her? How did you see her?
Meredith: I didn't. I heard her voice. Her perky, happy, tall voice.
Maggie: I hate voices like that.
Alex: You can tell by the voice?

Amelia: Damn it!
Meredith: I just got here, I haven't had a chance to screw anything up yet.

Richard: You can tell me.
Meredith: I'd rather not.
Richard: You said it was important.
Meredith: It's just sex. Emergency sex with husband.
Richard: Should have dropped it.
Meredith: Told ya.

  • Permalink: Told ya.
  • Added:

It's just you. The one you can count on, and lean on, and depend on. It has to be you. And once you figure that out, that's when being alone becomes a choice.

Feels weird to sleep alone. I'm not used to it. I don't know why. He used to go away all the time, but this time he's gone, and I know he's gone, and the bed feels lonely. It's like, I don't know how to sleep alone.

Alex: The fact that you were checking your texts while you were doing it is already sad.
Meredith: We have a special ring tone. Hey you want a special ring tone?
Alex: No.

Meredith: I'm going to miss you.
Derek: This can work. We can make this work. We will.

When shock wears off, when the body can accept that a trauma has happened, when it can let down its defenses, it's a scary moment. It's vulnerable. The shock response had protected us, and it just might have saved us.

I need a person who is in it with me and believes in that.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
