Mrs. Featherbottom: Jolly news, governor. Young Master's proposing.
Michael: George Michael? I thought I told him not to. He said he wouldn't.
Mrs. Featherbottom: Well, this was before he saw you pounding that sweet piece of Veal!

Gob: Nice to meet you. (walks away)
Mrs. Veal: Your family is lovely!
Michael: Does it seem that way? Where's Buster?

Michael: ...But I can't. I have to teach George Michael how to drive.
Gob: Michael if I make this comeback I'll buy you one hundred George Michael's you can teach to drive.
Michael: You're losing blood aren't you?
Gob: Probably. My socks are wet.
Michael: I'm sorry.
Gob: You'll be sorry! Wait that doesn't work after his line.

Gob: Michael, I've been looking for you.
Michael: Looks like you're looking for dragons... In the future.
Gob: I wouldn't mock the Sword of Destiny, Michael.
Michael: Careful with that Gob.
(Gob sticks the sword into his side)
Michael: Bleeding?
Gob: Nope.... Yeah, that's blood.

Dr. Stein: I'm certainly good enough to take out that appendix of yours.
Michael: Appendix?
Lucille: I don't buy it. It could be a hernia.
Tobias: Or it could be your colon. I'd want to get in there and find some answers.

Lindsay: Tobias moving out hasn't been easy.
Michael: For any of us.
Lindsay: You didn't even notice he'd gone, did you?
Michael: I did notice we'd stop Tivoing the Christopher Lowell show.

Michael: You've got to be the laziest person in the world.
Lindsay: If you weren't all the way on the other side of the room, I'd slap your face.

Gob: I figured out a way to make money while I'm working.
Michael: But that is what we call working.

Michael: (on Steve Holt) So, he's more popular than George Michael then?
Maeby: That's like comparing apples and some fruit nobody's ever heard of.

(After Indian candidate's video)
Gob: (hiding in crowd) Go home, you terrorist!
Michael: How stupid do you have to be to say something like that ...?
Gob: (revealed) You're not wanted here!

Maeby: Do you guys know where I can get one of those gold necklaces with a "T" on it?
Michael: That's a cross.
Maeby: Across from where?

Michael: Oh, no. What, Buster, for the first time ever, doesn't want to do this?
Lucille: No, no, he does. It's just he's been so mopey.
Michael: Well, that could have something to do with the fact that a seal ate his hand.
Lucille: I don't know what it is.
Michael: I think that's what it is.
Lucille: Who knows?
Narrator: It was that.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.