I am Dr. Bailey! I am better than fine.

Derek: If I stop this surgery, it's the same as me sticking this scalpel into his brain. Is that what you want?
Miranda: Yes. That's what I want.

Miranda: Dr. Shepherd?
Derek: Dr. Bailey.
Miranda: I need you to stop. I need you to put down the scalpel. This man is trying to kill himself and, God forgive me, I need you to let him.

Miranda: Page Shepherd!
Meredith: The patient doesn't want that.
Miranda: Oh really, he tell you that?
William: Yes, don't page him, he's terribly unpleasant.

Bailey: Karev, go and get the machine.
Alex: What if it's already hooked up to somebody?
Arizona: If that somebody has more than 16 hours to live, then we'll unhook him.

Stevens, I need a nod. A yawn or maybe a little burp. Something that lets me know you're awake and capable of keeping this boy alive.

Mark: You read up on my surgery?
Miranda: Since it's your first time performing what I understand to be a very cutting-edge surgery, I was hoping you could use another set of hands.
Mark: Fine. You can join Dr. Grey and me.
Miranda: Dr. Grey, who's been banned from the O.R.?
Mark: She's on cappuccino duty.

Miranda: Steve is not a lip reader. None of the interns are lip readers. You'll just have to wait for the attendings to vote. Just like I did when I won.
Cristina: You won your solo surgery?
Miranda: I'm gonna pretend you didn't feel the need to ask me that question Yang, of course I won. I was good. Didn't cut LVAD wires, put my hands on bombs in body cavities, or have my interns operating on themselves. I was special! I was young, gifted and black, and everybody knew it. Attendings knew it, Chief knew it. I didn't have to act like I could read lips. I'd just go about my work, calmly, waiting for my name to get called.

Bailey: You never know Karev, severe abdominal pain could become an appendectomy ...
Alex: Dr. Bailey I am here to help in any way that I can. If there's someone in pain, then I'm there.

Okay then... she's a little off.

Miranda: Our cardiac wing is extensive, and well equipped with all-
Dr. Dixon: The first successful heart transplant was performed on September 7, 1896, by Dr. Ludwig Wren, in Frankfurt, Germany.
Miranda: ... okay.

Alex: I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt...
Miranda: No, please, inter ... Please, update Dr. Dixon on the patient.
Alex: [to Dr. Dixon] Dr. Stevens is prepping your patient for surgery. They scheduled a transplant six years ago, but the heart was too small. So they doubled up and added a donor heart to help his own heart function. They did a piggyback ...
Dr. Dixon: Heterotopic ... transplant. Piggyback is the colloquial name for the procedure. Don't do that.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
