[to Emily] You do know that hoodie is not a bulletproof vest. You can die. And that the girl that you are so desperately trying to save would like to see that happen sooner rather than later.

Emily: After I lost my dad, all I ever wished for was just to see him one more time. I'd settle for five minutes, one more kiss goodnight.
Nolan: Your wish came true.

Hey, Emily. Those might be fists of fury, but they're still made of flesh and bone.

Vicky's done a hell of a job Clarke-blocking us.

Nolan: So what do you we call them? MaNiel? DanGaux?
Emily: Trouble.

Hacking into the FBI should get harder as I get older, but nope.

[to Emily] What would you do if your bestie wasn't a keyboard cowboy, besides, well, actually talk to your father?

Oh, I just love live TV. You never know what's going to happen.

Emily: Are you okay? What happened?
Nolan: Your lies...finally caught up to me.

[to Margaux] Looks like karma found you fast. She can be a bitch.

Louise: Buck up. At the end of the day, you can have something all these other people can't.
Nolan: What's that?
Louise: Anything you want.

Can't I just have a normal friend?

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
