Apu: Did you notice that there is a kid on your bus?
Otto: Glad you told me. I was about to go to Mexico.

The regular school bus broke down, so take a seat before I blow your heads off!

Bye little dudes. Don't learn anything I wouldn't learn!

Otto: (Singing, to tune of "Foxy Lady" over Bus microphone) Do do doo, do doo do doo, do do do doo.
Bart: Hey Otto, can I use that microphone.
Otto: ..doo do do (Switches off) Sorry Bart dude, it's for emergencies only. (Switches back on) Doo doo doo.

Otto: What's the matter Lisa, you're normally the first one off this death trap?
Lisa: The combination of me leaving arts camp and you driving on and off the shoulder has made me a little ill.
Otto: I guess I shouldn't be playing this driving game while driving.

Otto: Get off the bus or forever hold your peace, little dudes!
(The students climb off the bus, as Bart stays behind.)
Bart: Otto, you know I respect you. I mean, you always let us throw stuff at cars and try to tip the bus on sharp turns.
Otto: Heh. Damn thing never goes over, does it? Ah! So, what's in your head, little man?
Bart: Well, I've been failing a lot of tests recently.
Otto: Yeah-huh.
Bart: And now they're talkin' about holding me back in the fourth grade if I don't shape up.
Otto: That's it? Hey, relax, man! It could end up being the best thing that ever happened to ya. I got held back in the fourth grade myself. Twice! Look at me, man! Now I drive the school bus!

(A concerned Bart boards the school bus.)
Otto: Hey, Bart, dude! Whoa, you look freaked.
Bart: Hey, Otto man, I got a big test today that I am not ready for. Could you please crash the bus or something?
Otto: Oh, sorry, little buddy. Can't do it on purpose. But hey, maybe you'll get lucky!

Hey this is one of the planets in Star Wars.

Otto: You sell drugs, why can't you dress like that?
Drug Dealer: Cause I use them too idiot.

Otto: Can I at least get my stuff?
Landlord: All I found in there was a jar of mustard and a couple of old Psycho magazines.
Otto: Wow! I have mustard?

I'll have you know I'm also a hair donor. Salma Hayek wore me to the Oscars.

Otto: All right, yeah, so how did I do?
Patty: Well you failed every segment, and misspelled bus on your application.

The Simpsons Quotes

Larry: What you got riding on this?
Homer: My daughter.
Larry: What a gambler!

Maggie? Oh, you must be sick. Let's see, what's old Dr. Washburn prescibe? Do you have dropsy? The grippe? Scofula? The vapors? Jungle rot? Dandy fever? Poor man's gout? Housemaid's knee? Climatic poopow? The staggers? Dum-dum fever?

</i> Abe