Farnsworth: Oh, great news, everyone.
Bender: Shove it! We quit!
Farnsworth: In that case I'll have to hire a new crew to go on our company vacation.

Guenter: All I want out of life is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence who wears a suit. That's why I've decided to transfer to business school!
Farnsworth: Nooo!

Oh, that poor, sweet monkey. Well, let's go gather him up. There's no sense letting him go to waste.

Leela: Professor, you'll offer Guenter the hat and, Fry, you'll offer him the banana. We'll let him choose whether he wants to be intelligent or just a mindless animal.
Farnsworth: Come on, Guenter, take the hat.
Fry: No, the banana, the banana!
Farnsworth: Consider the philosophical and metaphysical ramifications of the-
Fry: Banana, banana, banana!

Fry: Wow! The jungles on Mars look just like the jungles on Earth.
Farnsworth: Jungles? On Earth? Ha!

Farnsworth: But Guenter's obviously better off being intelligent. Tell him, Leela.
Leela: Nuh-uh, I'm staying out of this. Now here's my opinion: What we should do is...

Fry: I guess he realised I was right when I told him to go back to the jungle.
Farnsworth: You what? After I spent months slaving over a hot monkey brain?

Leela: So he just ran away in the middle of the exam?
Farnsworth: I'm afraid so. All he handed in was a paper smeared with faeces. He tied with Fry.

Farnsworth: Look at him. I'm so proud.
Fry: Thanks, Professor!
Farnsworth: Not you.

Farnsworth: What's that they're flinging at us?
Guenter: Oh, dear Lord! All over the dean!

Fry: I hate that rodent!
Farnsworth: Fry, that monkey is my most important experiment. If you two don't stop fighting I'll have you both neutered.
Fry: That'll show him.

Fry: So I guess without jobs, we'll be fugitives forever.
Prof. Farnsworth: Not necessarily. Are you three, by any chance, interested in becoming my new spaceship crew?
Bender: New crew? W-What happened to the old crew?
Prof. Farnsworth: Oh, those poor sons of - but that's not important. The important thing is I need a new crew.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!