I haven't had a drink since we talked. Except beer. And I did some research. Napoleon? Turns out not just a dessert. He was a real dude.

Mr. Schuester's set list makes it seem like he hasn't listened to the radio since the 80s.

[to Jake] I had every flavor of Cheerio you can imagine. Original. Honey Nut. Did it really mean anything? No.

Puck: I feel like that guy who lost all his hair, then lost all his hair.
Santana : Samson?
Puck : Agassi.

You look like a Real Housewife of Reno.

Rachel: I can't believe that teacher let those students speak to us like that.
Puck: I can't believe she threw a shoe at us.

Puck: I'm a sex shark. If I stop moving, I die.
Mercedes: Me and you would not work out. You're top 40. I'm rhythm and blues.

Quinn: I'm the president of the celibacy club. I took a vow.
Puck: So did Santana and Brittany. And I did them.

Puck: One night with me and I'll have you studying for your Bat Mitzvah.
Kitty: Not a chance. I like bacon too much.

I'm like that Beautiful Mind guy without all the crazy.

Keep rocking that mullet Ricky. Maybe in 10 years it'll come back in style.

So are you in? My ass-istant bad ass?

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
