I love the days when I don't wear underwear. Full commando!

While Jackie Daniels is a great name for a power boat or something, it's not great for a baby girl.

Puck: Wanna make out?
Rachel: Sure!

I like wooing you, Lauren. Next to dropping my afternoon deuce, it's my second favorite part of my day.

Puck: Girl, you got more curves than a Nissan ad.
Mercedes: Seriously? That's what you came up with?

$1,200. That's enough for the short bus and two cases of Natty Light for the ride home.

There's no way I'm going back to juvee. There's no chicks and no Kosher meals in that place.

Puck: We underestimated the power of the Biebs.
Mike: He's clearly a mini God.

You're a punk who doesn't deserve to have Quinn as his girlfriend.

Lauren: Puckerman, it's your lucky day.
Puck: You're finally gonna let me motorboat those twins?

It was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew, and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.

Holly: You're like a total drag. Has anyone ever told you that?
Puck: I have.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
