I am not down with this. I like being a dude.

Please stop super-sizing because I don't dig on fat chicks.

I gotta go load up the guns for the football picture!

I'm gonna be a good dad. But I'm not gonna stop being me to do it.

Quinn: What are you doing Friday night?
Puck: Just the usual. Stand outside the 7-Eleven and look depressed until someone offers to buy me beer.

I love the days when I don't wear underwear. Full commando!

$1,200. That's enough for the short bus and two cases of Natty Light for the ride home.

I'm all about being a team player. But my family comes first.

You're a punk who doesn't deserve to have Quinn as his girlfriend.

Quinn: I don't care if my baby comes out with a mohawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.
Puck: It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a mohawk.

Know what the worst part is? It's not the burning in your eyes or how the slushee drips into your underpants. It's the humiliation.

Puck: It was a message from God: Rachel was a hot Jew and the good lord wanted me to get into her pants.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
