Sam: Oh great, we're going to snatch a murder with a couple of magnets and a roll of duct-tape?
Michael: And guns Sam, plenty of guns.

Barry: Yeah, you got one man. One is down.
Sam: yeah, now there's only 3 people trying to kill us.

Sam: Don't sweat it. We'll work together like Butch and Sundance, right kid?
Evan: Who's that?
Sam: [blank stare]
Jesse: In one minute the power to those cameras goes out. You two are doing the 100 yard dash. Stretch out those hammys.

Evan: We gotta pull over.
Sam: You stop this truck. I'll shoot you myself.

That's why I brought this. Meet my friend. El Oyo Del Diablo. I meet him when I was chasing Noriega around Panama. Now we have a tradition in the villages down there. When there's as fight, both sides lock themselves in a room and they drink this until they're bonkers. It helps them move right past their differences. You two are going to spend some quality time together. Nobody is leaving until every drop is gone.

Fiona: I think Rebecca found your tracker. Nice try Sam.
Sam: I put that fricking thing in her boot heel. How the hell did find it?
Michael: Because she's good.

Sam: Hey, look who's not in jail.
Pearce: Well, I just got an ear full from Langley about your little stunt. What the hell were you thinking threatening an FBI agent like that?
Michael: I didn't threatening him. I asked him questions with a gun in my hand. A gun I have the right to legally carry.

Sam: I just came by because I need a little favor.
Dixon: None of your favors are little.

Sam: She said if I abandoned my best friend, then I'm not the guy she fell in love with.
Michael: I don't know what to say. Thanks.

Uhhh Mike, I mean every cop south of the Mason/Dixon line is looking for you. So you're not making a cameo at a crime scene and honestly I shouldn't either. Half the force knows this chin.

Since when do we send people to their death to save our own asses?

Michael: How's Cabral doing back there?
Sam: He's sleeping like a heavily sedated evil baby.

Burn Notice Quotes

Sam: What can I do?
Michael: I just hacked Brennen's cell. I e-mailed you everything on it. I need you to comb through the addresses, text messages and phone calls.
Sam: You wanna know what Brennen's after.
Michael: I wanna know everything. I wanna know who his buyer is, where he's got Nate, what brand of orange juice he drinks in the morning.
Sam: I'm on it.
Michael: And you'd better hurry. 'Cause I get the feeling Brennen's got the Westen brothers fitted for body bags.

Sam: You got the pickup-location, Mikey?
Michael: Train tracks on 10th Street. Looks like the meeting is gonna be on the move so no one can hit it.
Sam: Have to hit it on the move then.

Burn Notice Music

  Song Artist
Song Fun In The Islands Rene Van Verseveld
Song Synthetic Beat Chamber
Song CMP5131 Out Of Range Noizy Ninja