Charlotte: It's because women really just want to be rescued.
Carrie: (voiceover) There it was. The sentence independent single women in their thirties are never supposed to think, let alone say out loud.
Charlotte: I'm sorry but it's true. I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
Miranda: Who? The white knight?
Samantha: That only happens in fairy tales.
Charlotte: My hair hurts.

Samantha: I just want you to know that my fireman was every bit the fantasy I had in mind.
Miranda: New York's finest.
Carrie: That's cops.
Miranda: Whatever.
Charlotte: I think it's wrong to sleep with a man just to fulfill a certain fantasy.
Samantha: Please, all the men we sleep with fulfill a certain fantasy.
Carrie: Or nightmare.

(to Charlotte) You fantasized a man with a Park Avenue apartment and nice big stock portfolio. For me it's a fireman with a nice big hose.

Miranda: Okay. They don't make Cosmopolitans. It's Staten Island Iced Tea.
Samantha: Is that like a Long Island Iced Tea?
Miranda: I think so. (takes a sip) Hello I'm drunk.

Samantha: Carrie, you can't date your fuck buddy.
Carrie: Say it a little louder. I don't think the old lady in the last row heard you.
Samantha: You wanna take the only person who's in your life purely for sex, no strings attached, and turn him into a human being? Why?

Miranda: Isn't it funny, what I hate in life, I love in sex?
Samantha: So, how about you just limit your contact with him to just sex.
Miranda: Oh, that's a nice healthy relationship.

Charlotte: Excuse me. Fuck buddy? What is a fuck buddy?
Samantha: Oh, come on.
Carrie: A fuck buddy is a guy you probably dated once or twice, but it didn't really go anywhere, but the sex was so great, you sorta of keep him on call.
Samantha: He's like dial-a-dick.

It's slim pickings out there. You can't swing a Fendi purse without knocking over five losers.

Carrie: Isn't part of the whole break up process that you get free rein to whine to your friends?
Charlotte: Of course you do!
Miranda: But, maybe you should think about whinning to a shrink.
Carrie: Why should I pay someone when we can talk for free and then go get drinks or whatever? I don't need professional help, I've got you guys.
Samantha: For another ten minutes.
Miranda: Then we're cutting you off, cold turkey.

Carrie: Hey, I don't need therapy. I need new friends.
Samantha: Look, we're as fucked up as you are. It's like the blind leading the blind.

Samantha: Well, of course you pick the wrong guys. Jesus, I coulda told you that.
Carrie: Frankly, I thing I picked the wrong therapist. She thought I was a game player.
Charlottle: You have to be. It's the only way to deal with men.
Miranda: That's healthy. Relationships are not about playing games. They're about mature and honest communication.
Carrie: This coming from a woman whose playing peek a boo with her neighbor.

Samantha: The only place you can control a man is in bed. If we perpetually gave men blow jobs we could run the world.
Carrie: At least our hands would be free to greet dignitaries and stuff.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.