Samantha: You know women dressing like men is very popular right now.
Carrie: And here I thought it was pokemon.

Charlotte: I don't have a goody drawer.
Carrie: Oh, everybody has a goody drawer.
Samantha: I have a goody closet.

Samantha: I'm telling you it was entrapment, false advertising and blantant discrimination. You can't just randomly go down on one person and not on another. I paid good money and expected to be eaten out.
Carrie: This is not the conversation I wish to have as my most amazing self.

Samantha: I can't believe that bitch is a no show.
Carrie: I'm the one whose sick. I charged another outfit I can't afford. I probably bounced a check to a charity just to prove I'm amazing. I never felt so...let's just go.
Samantha: I paid eighty-five dollars. We're having our two drinks. What do you feel like?
Carrie: Um, loser on the rocks.

Carrie: You know who those women marry? The Roman numeral guys.
Charlotte: (reading from the paper) Charles Duffy Anderson IV.
Carrie: Ding-ding-ding!
Samantha: I find the higher the number the worse the sex. I went out with somebody III who couldn't even get it up.
Miranda: Imagine how bad Henry VIII must have been.
Carrie: Yeah, you give him head, he cuts yours off!

Samantha: Look, sometimes for the right guy you have to make concessions. There's always gonna be something.
Carrie: Are you guys seriously advocating that I do this?
Samantha: Why not? He's a great looking, rich, political prince.
Carrie: Oh sure! It's practically a fairy tale, the princess and the pee.

I don't believe in the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. I just believe in parties.

Miranda: I would be very worried if I were you. The pee could just be foreplay.
Carrie: Oh, my God!
Miranda: Where there's smoke, I'm just saying....
Samantha: This is so typical of men in power. They just love to be dominated and humiliated.
Charlotte: What did you say when he asked you?
Carrie: Well I told him that I'd just gone, but maybe another time. But I really don't think that I can keep saying that forever.

Samantha: You shop at the Boy's Department.
Jeff: So what? The clothes fit me better, plus they're cheaper. Where do you shop, the Big and Tall Horse Store?
Samantha: Hmmhmm. You know, you're nothing but a big dick with a little man attached.
Jeff: You're nothing but a big pair of tits with too much extra leg room.
Samantha: (Bursts into laughter)
Carrie: (voiceover) Surprisingly, Samantha had found what she was really looking for, and it had nothing to do with size.
Jeff: Hey! Somebody get me a booster chair!
Carrie: (voiceover) She had found a man who made her laugh. They dated for two weeks. Though he was short, it was a very long relationship for Samantha.

Samantha: I would love to show him my lower Manhattan.
Charlotte: Eww!
Samantha: Look at his arms, they're huge.
Miranda: You know what they say, big arms...big arms.
Samantha: Hello, 911, I'm on fire.

Charlotte: This is an awfully long way to go to watch some firemen take their shirts off.
Samantha: Honey, I'm on the fucking ferry, I better see more than just peaks.

Samantha: Ladies, let me tell you about his cock.
Charlotte: Would you be quiet. The people at the next table have a child.
Samantha: Well, that's their choice.
Carrie: Little Miss Hangover is right. Can we lighten up on the cock talk until cocktail time?

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.