The normal Newmans' for normal town.

Silas: What if you would've gotten a real job after dad died and we could've skipped all this shit.
Nancy: We would've had to sell the house. Move to a very different zip code. You and Shane would've had to go to even lousier public schools.
Silas: That doesn't sound so bad.

(to Nancy) What's the matter - they opened the pool cover?

Silas: Maybe she's not dead - maybe she's just injured.
Shane: Maybe she's just injured before mom pulled the automatic pool cover over her head.

Silas: What's it like?
Shane: What?
Silas: Killing someone. Do you feel different?
Shane: No.
Silas: Do you feel bad?
Shane: No - at least not yet.

Silas: So, you're the mayor of Mexico or something?
Esteban: Or something, yes.

Shane: Cat like reflexes.
Silas: Perfect considering you're a total pussy.
Shane: Tell that to Pilar.

Silas: Shane, get over yourself. No one cares.
Shane: You're just jealous.
Silas: Of what?
Shane: That mom likes me more now.

Andy: This is tasty.
Silas: It's leftover from Seattle. I just added a little cinnamon for flavor.
Andy: Sometimes I think you're the son I never had.
Silas: Thanks.
Andy: I'm serious. I feel a special kinship.
Silas: Cause we're related.
Andy: I'm talking spiritual kinship.

Doug: Ohh nice mirror on the ceiling.
Silas: What's with all the hooks?

Silas: You serious?
Shane: Serious as dads heart attack.

Shane: How the hell are we going to sell has to a kids concert?
Silas: Actually, this will be okay.