Nancy: Does he mean any less to you?
Silas: No. You do.

Nancy: The safe?
Silas: Never told her the combo.
Nancy: That must be second date material.

First you fucked me. Thanks. Then you fucked my business. And then randomly my Uncle's bike shop.

Do you guys have a body count? Cause the Botwins do.

Ema: Ever been to therapy?
Silas: I already fucking know: it's all about my mom.

Shane: He downloaded our database.
Silas: Fucking rat.
Shane: I prefer the term informant.

Silas: You had Emma arrested.
Nancy: Emma had Emma arrested.
Silas: That's bullshit.
Nancy: That's business.

You know how I said the only two things she really cares about are her business and herself? There’s one other thing.

Silas: She’s never going to forgive me.
Andy: First things first, you need to apologize. Good Lord and Creator made us fellable creatures. And who knows, maybe it’ll all be fine. Maybe she wont lose Stevie. She’ll probably lose Stevie but she’d kill Jill first. Maybe she’d have Shane do it.