Ben: Hey this guy Ryan's pretty lame. "This CD Is for all of the dreamers who dream of the rock-n-roll dream, so dream on."
Sock: I've got to side with the Devil on this one, some people belong in Hell

Sam: You should hear the way she snores. Seriously, it's not normal. It's like she's a creature from the underworld.
Sock: Oh god, I love that movie, Kate Beckinsale, black spandex.
Sam: There's something wrong with her.
Sock: What?! Kate Beckinsale is perfection, what's wrong with you??

Sock [to Sam]: Okay, I didn't wanna play this card. I really didn't but leave me no choice. The fact of the matter is you owe me. I've been there since the beginning, helping you to send escaped souls back to Hell, man. I've been the freaking Robin to your Batman.
Ben: What does that make me?
Sock: You're the weird English butler-guy. This is my new Batcave. I deserve a Batcave

Sock: Let me get this straight, you want us to go jogging in the creepy woods where the soul has been killing people?
Sam: Yeah.
Sock: Okay, let's go...

Sock: I've got places to be.
Ben: Where?
Sock: Like the Work Bench.
Sam: You picked up an extra shift?
Sock: Hey, man, I've got rent to pay now.
Sam: Wow, that's really responsible of you.
Sock: I know. No, I'm messing with you. No, I got to hook up with this chick in the pool. I met her on the elevator. She's so into me

Sock: Okay, I got another one. Supergirl or Wonder Woman.
Sam: Wonder Woman.
Ben: Definitely Wonder Woman.
Sock: There's something to be said for a woman who's into bondage, you know?

Oh, don't worry about it, Sammy, come on, Cady will come crawling back to you in a week when she realizes how much she misses your man muscle

Sam: You guys think it's kind of weird we replaced our parents with a couple of gay dudes?
Sock: Weird, Sam? No. Genius

Steve: Would you guys like to come in? I just made a pot of ginger tea.
Sock: No, no thanks, we're straight

Sock: So we're dealing with a hot soul that kills even hotter women? Is there anything wrong that I'm aroused and disgusted at the same time?
Ben: Yeah, probably, but you shouldn't wouldn't beat yourself up over it.
Sock: Thanks, Benji

Sock: Hey, did the doctors x-ray you?
Andi: Yes.
Sock: Good. I have a theory about radiation. You're exposed to enough in your lifetime, you have a greater chance of getting... cooler mutant powers.
Andi: Yeah, but I don't think I really want mutant powers, Sock

Ben: I mean, they're like our cool, fun uncles.
Sock: Benji, have you ever had a cool, fun uncle?
Ben: Uncle Hector.
Sock: Uncles are creepy by definition, okay? Have you not been watching your SVU?

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron