Sock: This Satan's trying to get you to hook you up with his daughter, you know, I bet she wants your man seed.
Sam: What? No.
Sock: Yeah, sure, think about it. You knock her up, right, the Devil has a little Sam baby running around catching souls for him when he grows up. After, you know, you kick. [Sam glares] Which I hope will not be for a very long time

Ben: The Devil has a child. You know, I never thought the Devil had genitals.
Sock: What, like a Ken doll?

Sam: How did you find me?
Sock: We followed you, Sam. Ben drove here with his headlights off the entire time.
Ben: It was very stressful

Free booze, hot Asian girls, and the smell of grease. I am home!

Andi: So what's wrong with her?
Ben: She's a huge fan of Lionel Ritchie.
Sock: Isn't that messed up?
Andi: Oh yeah.
Ben: All Night Long.
Sock: We think she's the spawn of Satan.
Andi: Later

Sock [about Sam dating the Devil's potential daughter]: We need proof.
Ben: Yeah, he doesn't want to babysit your kids with horns.
Sock: No.
Sam: Yeah, well you're not going to have to worry about that, because I would never let you babysit my kids.
Sock: Smart

Sock: Do you remember a few years back, when there was a fire at Josie's apartment?
Sam: Yeah, right before you guys broke up.
Sock: Do you remember it was around the time I was exploring my feminine side.
Sam: No.
Sock: Well, mostly I was into jasmine-scent candles.
Sam: Did you burn down Josie's apartment?
Sock: It's a dark part of life, Sam. I'm not proud of it

Sam: Are you trying to get back together with Josie?
Sock: What? I... I am trying to make amends, Sam, okay? And if she chooses to thank me in a naked or partially naked way, well that's okay too. I'll take it

Cady: Great hot tub, Sock.
Sock: Yeah, I know. Hottubbing is a passion of mine.
Sam: But why is it in your front yard?
Sock: Hmmm? Why would I put something this awesome in my backyard?
Sam: Privacy?
Sock: Privacy is for idiots

Sam: So that's what 6 million dollars looks like, huh?
Sock: Yeah. I was gonna get naked and roll around in it, but I didn't shower today. I didn't want to get the money dirty.
Ben: Thank you for that

Will you listen to this guy? Wahhh, I've got two chicks fighting over me, what am I going to do, why am I so loveable. Shut up. Enjoy it, Sam, at least try to flip it into a three-way, that's what I'd do

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron