Does Canada even have a spy agency?

Krieger: Press that red button.
Archer: Is it going to kill everyone?
Krieger: Press that blue button.

I will hire Kenny Loggins to play an acoustic sense while I slap some sense into you.

Flight Attendant: Sir, can you please find your seat?
Archer: Uh yeah, it's right there. Can you go find some more hurricanes for me?

Lana: Is that a friggin' candy bar?
Archer: Yeah, but do you think you need the calories?

Lana: A non-circumcised Jewish guy, that's not weird to you?
Archer: No. Why would... I mean, I'm not Jewish, and I am circumcised so it can happen the other-
Lana: It doesn't work like that.
Archer: Lana come on. I think we both know it works fine.
Lana: Aw, come on! Not your dick, dumb ass!

Thanks, Freddy Foreshadowing.

Do you like to travel? Because if you don't find that bag, I will empty the entire contents of your body and use your leathery skin as a replacement.

Archer: Ha ha ha, Ramon.
Ramon: And just why is that so funny.
Archer: Not that. Woodhouse, he's all tied up somewhere. Scared and alone. Ha ha ha, probably dehydrated.

Speaking of excellence, did you hear we met a tiger? Then he got murdered.

Armed with what? Pamphlets about Canada's responsible gun control laws?

Bros before apparent threats to national security.

Archer Quotes

KGB (Crenshaw): This may be old cliche, but... we have ways of making you talk.
Archer: What, your little go-kart battery?
KGB (Crenshaw): Golf cart.
Archer: Whatever. Would you pick an accent and stick with it?

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
