He was such a good guy. I'll never get to tell him. There's no less here. There's no happy ending. There's just nothing. He's just gone. He would have made an excellent teacher.

Let's be honest, William. You've been out of ideas since Madonna week.

As Madonna once said, I'm tough, I'm ambitious and if that makes me a bitch, that's what I am. Pretty sure she stole that line from Sue Sylvester. No, really. I said it first.

I suggest selling yourself on Craigslist under the heading of 'Men seeking Men with butt chins.'

Know what kind of disgusting images I'm gonna need to stare at now to get that out of my head? Gonna have to go to the wound care center. Gonna have to stare at some wounds.

Hello, Tweedle Stupid, Tweedle Fake Boobs.

William, I can taste your Axe body spray.

Today is the day we honor St. Valentine, a man publicly beheaded for defying his government, by exchanging candies and chocolates to nonsensically render the objects of our affection more fat and less attractive.

With Monique down for the count, we are entering The Hunger Games of show choir competition without one of our most powerful voices.

Sue: So, you're last name is Puckerman, huh?
Puck: Shalom!

As soon as I figure out the difference between slander and libel, I'm suing you.

Allow me to ladle you a piping hot bowl of This is How It Is.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
