Paula Lindbergh: I was afraid this would come up when I heard you took Trey in for questioning.
Booth: You're right, so start talking.
Paula: I should never have made Elliot move to the suburbs. In a way, I emasculated him.
Brennan: Oh, God. She's a therapist. She talks like a therapist.

Angela: You're gonna need an alibi for this night.
Brennan: You're trying to help me.
Angela: Yeah, I know you wouldn't kill anybody.

(about Booth) The Vicodin seems to be working he ... claims it makes the furniture feel friendly.

Bones: Didn't your book for imbeciles teach you how to avoid injury?
Booth: No, the bookstore they ran out of copies, and it's book for dummies, not book for imbeciles.

You are the bravest most selfless man I have ever met and as much as I hate seeing you here in pain and suffering, I also know this is who you genuinely are.

Booth: You're really quiet.
Brennan: Because I'm not talking.
Booth: That must be it.

You have to kill Broadsky, you need your sleep.

A desk job? It would be like caging an animal. You're meant to run free, Booth.

Angela: Four years ago Jared's girlfriend was a hooker?
Brennan: An escort. I believe in the hierarchy of prostitution, an escort ranks equal to high class call girl.
Angela: And now she teaches grade school?
Brennan: Mm-hmm. I don't see any other injuries that could be cause of death. Apparently the rule is, once a sex worker always a sex worker.
Angela: You know, it really would have been better if Booth never ran her record.
Brennan: He said it was my influence. That it was the rational thing to do.
Angela: No, sweetie, he's rationalizing. Which makes what he did irrational, because he's rationalizing that Jared can't make rational decisions for himself. You do the same thing all the time. Maybe that's what he learned from you.

[to jeweler] We have a deal that he will never ask me to marry him. And when the time comes to marry, which I do not foresee, he believes that I will ask him.


Bones: Do you think Dr. Edison is more likable than I am?
Cam: Oh, likability is subjective.

Your son is very lucky, Booth. You have know that.

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones