Avalon: The riddle you can't solve is how ... somebody could love you.
Bones: Well I'm, beautiful and very intelligent.
Avalon: The answer to the question that you're afraid to say out loud is ... yes. He knows the truth of you, and he is dazzled by that truth.

Well, they gave me medication. So I feel how I imagine people of average intelligence feel, all the time.


Avalon: You two are gonna keep doing things as usual.
Booth: Sometimes you gotta settle for second best.
Avalon: By the way, my cards tell me this all works out eventually.
Booth: Oh. Really?
Bones: What works out eventually?

Sweets: Do you want my advice?
Sweets: Okay, if you really want to help Booth, you should let him teach you about plumbing.
Brennan: I'm a wealthy, accomplished woman. Why would I want to learn a menial skill?
Sweets: Well, for Booth, so he can regain whatever he feels he's lost. I think, for once, it would be beneficial if you were the student.

Brennan: Shouldn't we be honest with each other?
Booth: We're honest! I mean, aren't you? I mean, I am.
Brennan: So you have no problem with me making so much more money than you.
Booth: No. Well, yeah, but it's - it's a little weird. I mean, you're loaded. You're really loaded, and you still don't even have a flat screen. That's just kind of weird, to be honest. It's a little French, if you ask me.

Booth: You know, Bones, I'm ... I'm glad that, uh ... we don't have any secrets between each other.
Bones: Yeah. I like that.
Booth: I mean if we have something on our mind we just, we just share it.
Bones: Sure. Even with all of the financial and intellectual contradictions I, still feel close to you.
Booth: Right, because you know, none of that really matters anyway.
Bones: Sometimes looking at it through your eyes, I believe that.

Bones: Didn't your book for imbeciles teach you how to avoid injury?
Booth: No, the bookstore they ran out of copies, and it's book for dummies, not book for imbeciles.

Clark: I'm more of a lab rat, Dr. Brennan. Perhaps somebody more outdoorsy would be better.
Brennan: Clark, if there's spinal damage that corresponds to the compression fractures on the long bones, we could have cause of death. I need those bones. You're the most qualified. Don't scratch your neck with the gloves!

Clark [with a Southern accent]: Well, is it all right if I get a drink of water, boss? You know, it's awful hot out there, and them tools is mighty heavy.
Brennan: Of course you can get water. Why are you talking like that?
Clark: Nevermind. I'll go.

Brennan: You just said you were having sex when you were sixteen.
Booth: That's different!
Brennan: Oh, so there's a double standard?
Booth: Of course! You know what, Cam needs to shut that down.
Brennan: I said that Michelle should wait until she's at least seventeen and a half.
Booth: Is that how old you were?
Brennan: No, I was 22.
Booth: Twenty-two?!?

Booth: You make it sound like it was a class that you took. You know, the first time you should be in love. You know, totally goo-goo for the other person.
Brennan: Were you when you were sixteen?
Booth: Well part of me was.

Wendell Bray: (running up with a bone in his hands) Dead guy's hyoid.
Bones: Guy as in sexually non-specific urban colloquialism or in the reference to the gender normally associated with a penis, Mr. Bray?
Wendell Bray: Um ... penis?

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones