Devil: He's been dating other women. Plural. Twins, to be exact.
Sam: What?
Devil: Ha. Dirty girls. Slutty. Oh, this player even makes me jealous

You know, Sam, sarcasm is the lowest form of social discourse

I am sorry, Sammy. I never should have pushed that whole Taylor thing on you....I had no idea you were a homosexual. "We should just slow it down a little?" You hear that? That's the sound of every man in the world laughing at you

Devil: You know, I got to say, this is one of my greatest inventions.
Sam: You invented the lottery?
Devil: You betcha. State-sponsored gambling. Minimum wage earners spending their last buck on an 18 million to one long shot. I like to call it the idiot's tax

Sam: Yeah, well, I was being stupid.
Devil: Man to man? You always get a little stupid around that girl, Sam

Devil: Forget about the contract.
Sam: No, no. I wanna see it.
Devil: But why?
Sam: Because I wanna know my rights.
Devil: Oh, that's easy. You don't have any

Devil: Look at that badass.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Devil: You man, you. The way you faced off with that soul. "Are we gonna do this hard way or easy way?" Ooh, I got chills. Seriously

He was electrocuted in Hell every day that he was down there. That's the kind of thing that makes a person crazy. That's what I do best

Isn't Nature magnificent? Beautiful, angry, soothing, merciless. It's perfection, don't you think? Gotta give... whatshisface credit

Sam, life's too short to drink domestic

Minions. You know who works for me in my central office? White-collar criminals. They hate me, they hate their jobs. I'm lucky if I get coffee in the morning

Driver: Go to Hell, jerk!
Devil: I'll meet you there, Bruce. You know that little thing on his neck? Not a freckle

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron