Val: Have you heard of the A.S.S. contest?
Lacey: I won one! But I didn’t get a paperweight I got fifty bucks.

I get it, I’m an 11 in a city full of 7’s.

Don't worry I won't let her know you're a hobag.

You should have no trouble ropin' in some frumpster like Dan.

Valerie: We have two options: 1. You tattoo Jake's name on your arm where it's visible to the viewing public, then you beg him to stay together. He'll say yes because he's a sucker and then never get it removed.

It's gonna be okay, no one ever died getting touched by their uncle.

Val: I'm gonna stop you right there J. When was the last time you had a nut in your mouth?
Jenna: It was a good question.

I am an expert at getting men to leave my pad.

Aw, it is so sweet of you to take an interest in the bottom feeders of the social aquarium, but I cannot discuss other student's problems.

Good evening my peoples.

Awkward Quotes

Jenna: This year would be my year. For once I wouldn't be overlooked not with Matty at my... backdoor!
Matty: Oh sorry, I slipped.

For 15 years I fantasized about everyone noticing me as I walked down the hall. What would I be wearing? Would every guy worship me? Would I be five inches taller and have porn tits? No, that was not my reality. My moment in the spotlight sucked some serious ass.
