Vanessa: Actually, The dorm is throwing this huge South Beach party today..
Dan: Great, I love parties.
Vanessa: And I'm going with Paul..
Dan: I love Paul!

Chuck: I came up with several excellent ideas. You just shot them down.
Vanessa: Yeah, because most of them involved leaking the Chuck-Vanessa sex tape on the Internet.
Chuck: We don't have to leak the tape if you don't want to.

[playing 'I Never'] I never slept with Chuck Bass. [drinks]

[to Blair] Now that we've established that I own you, you have six hours to get a thousand signatures and make sure they're legible. Have fun!

Vanessa: Nate? What are you doing here?
Nate: You haven't returned my phone calls.
Vanessa: I've ... been busy.

Let me see, writing a paper on Hannah Arendt? Or a secret mission that might help me clear my name. Let me grab my bag.

I see you've taken down my Goddard poster.

Rufus: Does this place actually serve coffee, or what?
Vanessa: Yes, it does!

I once dated a guy who kept part of himself hidden. He never gave anyone a chance to accept him. And in the end, everyone lost.

Serena: I figured if he would've told anyone, he would've told you.
Vanessa: Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll tell you. Dan's not exactly one for keeping secrets.
Serena: I used to think that, but now I don't know anymore.

Vanessa: [kisses Scott] I think we've done enough talking for one night. And I thought one of us should finally make the first move.
Scott: I'm glad you did.

Serena: I'm here on a rather pathetic mission. I'm boyfriend snooping.
Vanessa: I see.
Serena: It's not something I'm proud of, but I don't know what else to do. Something's going on with Dan, I thought I knew what it was but I don't. I was wondering if he said anything to you.
Vanessa: No he didn't. I'm sorry.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.